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It had been about a week and a half since they came back from their South Africa vacation, and all in all, things were well between Louis and Harry, especially considering that weird and a bit awkward marriage talk.

But maybe they were doing well because neither of them had brought up the topic since that night at the fancy restaurant, and Louis was actually relieved, because even though he had promised to try to change his mind about marriage, he didn't want the subject to be brought up constantly.

Being back also meant going back to work, and in Harry's case it meant going away for a few days at a time, leaving Louis and Julian behind, but it was okay, they were used to that by now.

That weekend, Harry had flown to L.A., and while he was away, Louis decided to go out shopping to buy a few things for baby Naomi, because time was going by quicker than he realised, and he didn't want the baby to arrive and not be ready for her.

He had called Niall up to ask if he wanted to come with him, he hadn't seen him since Harry's birthday party, which was before the trip, and Niall right away agreed to go, saying Declan was spending the weekend with his dad, and even though Liam was home, he was busy working on some project for work.

When Louis pulled over outside of the building where Louis use to live with Harry and Liam, and that was now the Payne Horan home, Niall was already waiting there, and he quickly got in the car.

"Hi Niall" Louis smiled at his friend.

"Hey" Niall grinned "Long time no see".

"I know, right?" Louis replied, and started driving as Niall put on his seat belt.

He focused on the road ahead, but from the corner of his eye he saw Niall looking at the back seat of the car, where Julian was.

"He refused to take a nap earlier, but I sat him there and he fell asleep right away" Louis explained.

"He looks so cute and peaceful sleeping" Niall cooed.

"Enjoy the peace while it lasts, he's been such a little devil lately" Louis sighed.

"And the terrible 2's haven't even started" Niall chuckled "Declan was literally terrible at that age".

"Don't tell me that!" Louis exclaimed.

"Why not? It's the truth, and it's better if you're prepared" Niall told him.

"But I'm going to give birth like a month and half after he turns 2, so I don't want to know that besides dealing with a newborn I'll be dealing with a little boy at the worse age" Louis complained.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine" Niall brushed off "Now tell me how was South Africa".

"It was amazing, we all had a great time" Louis answered truthfully.

But he decided against telling Niall about the whole marriage talk, because he was pretty sure he was going to take Harry's side, after all, he had just gotten married.

And truth be told, this was a private matter between him and Harry, and only their opinions mattered.

"I bet, it seems like such a fun place to visit" Niall commented.

"It is, I mean, it would have been a lot better if I would have been able to surf or windsurf, or even bungee jump, but I have no complaints, it was a great 2 weeks that we got to spend as a family" Louis told his friend as he came to a stop at a red light "How about you? How's married life treating you?".

"I love it" Niall smiled while he played with his wedding band in his left hand "I thought it would take some time to adjust, because it has always been just Declan and I, and we left our home and move into Liam's, but it's like we skipped the adjustment period, Liam makes us feel completely at home, and he's so good to Declan".

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