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Harry had bought a car after all.

When he came back from L.A, he and Louis started browsing on the internet, and then in person, and after a lot of thinking and seeing the cons and pros of each car, they decided on a brand new silver Ford Fiesta.

And it was great; it drove nicely, it wasn't tiny but it wasn't huge either, and it was safe enough without being super expensive.

What Harry loved the most about having it, though, was that now when he was away, he didn't have to worry about Louis and Julian riding the bus or the tube, he knew they had the car and they could go wherever they wanted to with it, because he always left it with the gas tank full.

The only problem was that after only 2 days of having the car, Louis bumped the rear end, but just a tiny bit, and he felt very bad about it, so after he promised he was going to be a lot more careful in the future, Harry told him it was fine, and not to worry about it.

And so far nothing else had happened to the car.

Now Halloween was approaching, it was actually a day away, so Harry had decided to go pick up some candy to give up, a few groceries, and also a costume for Julian, because they had failed go get him something so far.

But he had to go alone with Julian, because Louis had been acting strange in general all day, and when Harry announced he was going out, Louis decided he didn't want to go and that was also weird, because Louis always wanted to get out of the house. And for a moment, Harry thought maybe it was because of the social worker think, but then he realized that no, it couldn't be that, because lately, Louis had been a lot more relaxed about that issue, seeing as it had been a long time since the visit.

So in the end, Harry just brushed it off for the time being, and just went out with the baby, leaving Louis alone.

Harry had Julian sitting on the child seat of the shopping cart, because now he was a big boy who could sit on his own, and he was making faces and talking to him as they strolled across the aisles.

"Do you think it's enough with 2 bags of candy?" Harry asked the baby showing them to him "Mmm, let's get an extra one, if there are left overs we'll just eat them".

Harry grabbed an extra bag, threw it in the cart, and walked over where he saw Halloween costumes, and started looking for the baby ones.

"You'll be a kitten, okay?" Harry informed Julian, because that and a pumpkin one were the only ones he found in Julian's size "You'll be a very cute kitten".

Julian giggled, and clapped his hands together, as if he was excited to be a kitten, and Harry just had to lean down to kiss his forehead.

"Alright, we just have to pick up some cleaning stuff, toilet paper, nappies and a few fruits and veggies to make your food, and we'll be out of here" Harry said, checking the list on his phone to see what was left.

But just as he was doing that, his phone started ringing and Louis' picture appeared on the screen, so Harry was quick to pick up.

"Hi, baby" Harry greeted.

"Hey, are you still at the store?" Louis asked.

"Yes, do you need anything?".

"Tea" Louis answered "I was making a cup and realized there's not much left, and also a chocolate bar or something like that".

"Okay, love, anything else?" Harry wondered

"No, that's it" Louis added.

"Alright, we'll be back soon" Harry promised.

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