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It was Monday morning, and Louis was laying down on an exam table, a doctor called Leah Anderson examining his uncovered stomach while Louis stared at the ceiling, trying to distract himself.

She had already gone over the lab results that she had received from Louis' ER visit, and she had asked him a few questions, but apparently she wasn't done.

"This is your first pregnancy, right?" Dr. Anderson wondered.

"Yes" Louis confirmed.

"Do you know more or less when you conceived?" she asked.

"No idea, I wasn't planning it, so..." Louis shrugged "I was actually hoping you would be able to tell me the exact day I got pregnant?".

"With the ultrasound I could give you an estimate based on the size and development of the fetus" Dr. Anderson explained.

"And how accurate would that estimate be?" Louis wanted to know.

"You could give or take a few days"

"That would work" Louis considered, thinking he would be able to know who the father was.

"I'm going to put some gel on your stomach to do the ultrasound" the doctor warned him.

"Okay" Louis nodded.

"It will be cold" Dr. Anderson warned, just as she squirted the in fact cold gel on his belly, that made him shiver, and then she started moving a wand on top of it "Alright, there we go... that's your baby".

Louis bit his lip as he stared at the alien looking thing the doctor was pointing at on screen, and he was still unable to believe that little thing was living inside of him.

And he felt weird staring at that tiny alien, it was something he had never felt before, but he didn't feel emotional, or happy at all... he didn't even feel a connection with it.

"Baby has a strong heartbeat" Dr. Anderson commented, and pointed at a black spot where it was evident it was beating "Look right there".

Louis nodded, and looked away from the screen, because he had seen enough.

"I'm going to take some measurements now to try to calculate the day that you conceived and your due date, but based on what I can see right now, I'd say you're between 9 and 10 weeks along".

Louis tried to think back to exactly what date that would be, but his mind was blurry, still trying to process the entire thing, so he just closed his eyes, and let the doctor finish doing her job.

"We're all done" Dr. Anderson concluded at some point, and cleaned the gel from Louis' belly "How many pictures would you like?

"I don't want any" Louis replied, as he sat up, and pulled his jumper down.

"Oh" the doctor said, clearly surprised "I'm sorry, I didn't think to ask, but, are you thinking about terminating the pregnancy?".

"I wish I could" Louis answered.

"You're not that far along, there's still time to do that if it's what you want" Dr. Anderson offered.

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