"It's cool, see you around." He responded giving her a look she couldn't decipher. As she walked off he pulled out his phone sending a quick text. As she stopped to open her locker, a hand pushed it closed roughly. She jumped turning around to meet those dark hazel green eyes. She gulped frozen in place.

"Where the fuck did you go?" He asked in a tone that made her flinch. He was livid, and she could feel it radiating off him.

"Home." She responded softly.

"Why?" He snapped glaring at her harder.

"Why do you think? I woke up and you were no where to be found. Isn't that what you did to Jessica...." She blurted making him lean in.

"At my own house?" He questioned as if she were stupid. He regretted telling her about the time he fucked and dipped off without a word. She shrugged pissing him off.

"Why the fuck does it matter what I did to Jessica? It don't! I don't even know why you fucking tripping so hard. You not even my girl, I don't owe you shit Taraji!!!" He roared uncaring that he was at school. He watched her fave dropped and felt remorse instantly. She pushed him away, walking diwn the hall fighting the urge to cry.

"Penda..." He called grabbing the back of her backpack. He pulled her back to him, leaning down and hugging on her.

"My bad, I don't like yelling at you. My fault." He spoke holding her tighter as she tried pushing him away.

"Don't cry, I'm sorry." He spoke upping her face. She turned her head not wanting to look at him. He didn't know how to handle the situation, he didn't want to hurt her. Yet he was so undeniably pissed off.

"Stop, stop crying please." He whispered softly hearing her sniffles.

"Come on....." He urged grabbing her hand and tugging her down the hall. Exiting from a side door he brought her to his car.

"I have a test, I can't leave Terrence. I need to..."

"Shut up and get in." He snapped making her quiet and do so. Getting in he drive off glancing at her from time to time.

"So you left cause you thought I was running from you?" He asked, she shrugged a shoulder looking out the window.

"I had something yo do, it wasn't that deep." He explained hoping she'd chill out.

"Yeah well that's cool. I see that instead of checking on me you wanted to go on dates and shit!" She hissed, his anger returned tenfold.


"I do what the fuck I want. Quit dat shit." He added.

"Take me the fuck back to school!" She yelled, his eyes darkened as his jaw ticked. A sure fire warning sign.

"What?" He asked more as a warning in itself.

"I said take my back to fucking school. And you can go drive off A FUCKING CLIFF ASSHOLE!" She screamed as they pulled up to a stop light. He turned with a quickness grabbing her by the neck, a feeling overtook her. A slow heat starting up.

"Who the fuck you talking to like that?" He asked calmly, she gulped staying quiet.

"That's what the fuck I thought." He hissed releasing her as the green light came on. The rest of the ride was quiet, his grip on the steering wheel hard. His face stone cold, they went down a familiar street letting her know she was headed to his house.

"Get out." He ordered, she did heading torwards the front door with him. Once inside he stomped off to the kitchen while she sat down on the couch.

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