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Lucy's POV
I wake up to warmth, it feels so nice. I snuggle closer until I realize, pillows don't breath. I trace an outline of abs. N-Natsu?? Omg, what's happening- I don't remember what happened last night! Did we- no! I'm completely dressed- wait- I'm naked.... and Natsu is in pants. I'm happy and sad at this. Ok, that checked off, how-were-when did I get here? I attempt to get out without waking Natsu up but I get restricted and pulled back down into his embrace.
"Mhm... Luce... 5 more minutes" a tick mark appears on my head.
"Um.. no. I need to shower and change- well- get into clothes." I wiggle out, ignoring his protests and grab a blanket. I wrap it around my body and start off to the shower. The moment I step in I hear a knock on the door.
"Luce! I'm making breakfast come down when you're done!" What?! Natsu making me food?! Déjà vu. Anyway I better hurry or the house will be on fire. Ha ha. I soak in the warm water before sighing and getting out. I wish I could stay in the warm shower forever.
Once I get downstairs I smell eggs and ham. Yummy!
"Hey!" I smile and sit down, Natsu handing me a plate. He freezes and looks at me more closely. I blush, I'm wearing his clothes since I don't have any. "You look good..." he smiled and looks away. Is that blush on his cheeks?! Cuteeeee! I smile and much on the food. Natsu wasn't eating but just staring at me. Suddenly he walks over, picks me up and places me in his lap. I turn beat red and attempt to continue to eat my food.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzles into the crook of my neck. I smile and offer him some food, because food is life. He smirks, "what kind of food?"
"Eggs of cour- wait- Omg Natsu!!" I bury my head into the table (it hurt) and turn redder than Erza's hair. He laughs and suddenly picks me up. I squeal and habitually wrap my arms around his neck. He walks into the bedroom and smiles at me. I blush, even more, and smile back. He places me down on the bed and pushes me into a deep kiss. I melt at his touch and let him take dominance in my mouth. His tongue reaches and searches every nook and cranny.  I let out a slight moan, his whole body flinching at the sound of it. He breaks the kiss and looks at me seductively. He plants wet kisses down my neck and shoulder until I let out a moan when he hits my sweet spot right under my ear. I cover my mouth embarrassed. I suddenly feel a pain throughout my body, like I was thrown in lava. It slowly turns to warmth and pleasure. I hold back my moans by biting my tongue. "Luce" he pulls my hand away, "don't hold back, you're voice is beautiful." I blush, Natsu actually said something sentimental. Wow.  I laugh just slightly. Suddenly his lips are pushed into mine and he bites my lip, pulling it down. I don't hold back my moan at his request. It's embarrassing but... if it's for Natsu, then okay.

Next chapter will be almost all 🍋 lemon 🍋 soooo get ready 🥴 sorry I haven't updated, I've been busy with school- me failing my classes lol. I'm managing tho. Anyway, sorry.

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