"Stay with me tonight" he said his voice sounded broken, which made my heart twist in my chest. I knew that Roman was only looking out for me in his own way, but I had to do what I had to do. But that didn't stop me feeling sad, he was hurting because of me.

I pushed up onto my tiptoes and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. My action clearly surprised him.

But before I could even lower myself back down, his arms locked tightly around my waist pulling me flush against his hard body.

Now that I knew that I had won, that he was going to allow me to go back home. I would grant his wish and stay with him tonight. Terri was asleep here anyway, and I wasn't about to wake her.

I let my body relax against Roman, a soft sigh escaping my lips as the now familiar sparks ran wild across my skin. I had come to expect the sensation now, any time Roman and I would touch they would appear. I actually now preferred this feeling to that of sinking into a hot bubble bath, and I love bubble baths.

I was glad that he was letting me go back home. I needed to figure out what had happened to my parents, and I needed to get back to normality. But for tonight, I was here and I was his.

I didn't take long before Roman had his lips on mine. Our tongues quickly began battling for dominance, which he easily won. A low growl rumbled in his chest as he scooped me up, my legs automatically locking around his hips. My hands were getting tangled tightly in his messy hair.

I suddenly felt a gust of wind brush against my rapidly heating body, and before I knew it we were in what I could only assume was Roman's bedroom.

I pulled back from Roman, noticing the change of scenery. I wiggled in Roman's arms in an attempt to get him to loosen his grip, which he eventually did but not without a growl of protest which I ignored.

Looking around I saw that his bedroom was very similar to "mine" in regards to the layout, but that is where the similarities ended. Where mine was all light colours and fluffy pillows, his was darker and very simply decorated, it suited him to a T though.

My eyes landed on his bed it was massive, big enough to comfortably sleep 4 people without the worry of even touching elbows. The sheets were black satin, and the bed frame was made of a dark coloured wood that matched his floor.

Roman coughed in an attempt to get my attention, turning to face him my eyes met his increasingly darkening ones.

Roman took the opportunity to shoot me a lustful smirk, that made me instantly weak at the knees, and made my stomach flip over with excitement.

"I was hoping we could stay in here tonight, with you going home tomorrow...I want to spend as much time with you as possible. My wolf and I need you close to us Emma." he admitted.

Butterflies began to swarm inside my stomach at his words. He could be cute when he wanted to be, and I just loved that side of him.

My brain backfired and my eyes went wide at my own thoughts, did i just use the L word? In reference to Roman?!

My wolf gasped and then began to chuckle mockingly inside my head, clearly finding my inner turmoil hilarious.

"You're meant to love him Emma, don't fight it. It's meant to be, so there's no use denying it just tell him!" she stated it all so matter of factly, that I wanted desperately to jump into my own head and shake her into silence.

Roman called my name snapping me out of my thoughts. Once I managed to refocused on his face, I could see that the smile was gone and a look of uncertainty was now twisting his features.

Caught. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن