Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

But that was the Luke that I knew that I had feelings for. He had the soft side the one that made me think that maybe I did want to be with a robot even as bad as it could be. His body language and face were so much more protective than how he usually was and it made me feel like I was safer than I could ever be.

I wanted to be with the nice, caring Luke not the cold hearted vicious one that hurt me on purpose. Maybe it was my fault that Luke was turning out the way he was now but I couldn't help what my heart wanted. It was confusing but I knew what my head wanted it wanted to have a happily ever after something that I probably won't get. It wanted something that I could be happy about. It wanted Luke, but the human one even if there was no such thing as that Luke I wanted him and I needed to find him.

"Bye Aaron." I yelled to him and waved in his direction as he waved back running to his car. I opened the door the rest of the way and was surprised when I didn't run into any hard body. I pulled the door closed behind me and pushed up Aarons sweater on my shoulders so it wouldn't fall off.

After hours of hanging out, eating pizza, and thinking of ideas on how to get rid of Luke. We didn't come up with anything perfect but we came up with a few things that weren't set in stone. But than I had to go home and Aaron had told me I had to act like everything was fine and that I had to act all lovey dovey to Luke to make him think things that weren't true just for the beginning of our plot.

I was disgusted by having to do this making it seem that I loved him but I knew I would have to make everything seem like it was alright. I didn't know what Aaron was thinking about but I knew that he had always come up with the manipulative plans and that I had to do what he wanted me to do. And if he thought this was a good idea than I would go along with it though I knew Luke might think things that he shouldn't and that I would hate every minute of it.

I peeked around me curiously to see that there were two boxes of pizza on the table but that was strange because I knew that dad hadn't come home yet and that Luke could be the only here he didn't know anyone or talk to anyone he didn't have friends and dad and I should be the only one he talked too.

"Luke?" I called curiously as I entered the living room to see him lounging around on the couch. He didn't even look up at me.

"I got you pizza." He told me and I glanced back at the boxes and gave them a simple nod in aknowledgement as I made my way towards Luke flirtingly. It felt weird to do this as I set Aarons sweater on the table and I made my way over to him. I saw that he was laying down on the couch arms behind his head as he stared at the television and what was playing on it.

I saw that he had his jaw clenched and he wasn't really paying attention to it. It looked like he had been in this position all day and might have been waiting for me since I had left.

"Hi." I breathed out as I placed myself on top of Luke surprising him. He looked over at me as I moved up on him putting my legs on either side of his lean waist. He looked up at me as I rested my bum on his crotch area. My hands rested against my thighs as I looked down at him.

"I've missed you." I lied innocently blinking down at him.
"Sure you did." He spoke sarcastically, and I bit my lip. He glanced down hard at the bottom of my dress and then up to my lips.

"I did, I really did. I couldn't stop thinking of you." I told him letting my hands travel down to the buttons of his red and black flannel. He watched me hard and I rested my stomach against his revealing my clevage. I couldn't pull the shirt up because Luke wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Don't you believe me?" I asked faking hurt, and he nodded his head. I leaned closer towards him to connect my lips to his hard ones and he sighed halfway through the kiss and grinned.

"Of course I believe you, I've missed you so much too. It was so hard not having you here with me love." He told me truthfully and I kissed his nose. My fingers trailed over his face cupping the side of his cheeks lightly.

"You are just so loving right now." He mused out and I nodded and laid my head back on his chest.

"I've just missed you Luke. And I'm sorry for how I acted earlier." I apologized.

"I'm sorry too babe, I just let my anger get the better of me." He told me and kissed the top of my forehead, his hands went down to my bum and started to rub it through the lacy fabric of my dress. I wanted to pull back in disgust but I kept myself there knowing that if I moved that I would ruin the plan.

"We both did, and I've been thinking that we need to have an official date if you want to be mine." I trailed off thinking that would be a good idea if I did this.
"What changed your mind?" He asked suspiciously and used his arms to pull me up. I looked at him stunned trying to figure out what to say then something came to mind, and I gave him an innocent smile.

"Well when I hung out with Aaron today it didn't feel like how we hang out. Everything with you feels magical and hanging out with him felt boring and I realized that I wanted you. I wanted to be with you, to wake up every morning next to you and be able to kiss you." I lied through my teeth feeling the smothering pain of guilt rack my body as the words toppled out.

He grinned at this shaking his head he bent me down and kissed me passionately, I kissed back not knowing when I should break it off. I didn't want to do it to quickly and raise flags but I didn't want him to get an idea that I was down for more than this.

After a few seconds I pulled myself back up and stretched my arms out letting out a fake yawn that seemed real enough.

"Is my princess tired?" He questioned with a grin and I nodded my head rubbing my eyes to help with the facade when I knew in reality that Aaron would be blowing my phone up and would be wondering when we can talk about phase two of our plan.

"Okay well you start getting ideas for a really romantic date and we can see when we can do all of this." I told him picking myself up and patting his defined chest he groaned grabbing my arm and lightly wrenching me back down onto him.

"Sleep here, sleep on me. I love when I can feel your heart fluttering in your chest." He begged me and I bit my lip agreeing as I tried to find somewhere comfy enough and he sighed shaking his head.

"Not enough room, how about I take you upstairs and we can sleep in my room?" He questioned and I smiled at him and he took that as a yes pulling me up.

"Can I get a piggy back ride?" I asked playfully and he rolled his eyes setting me onto the couch so I could jump on his back.

I looked above the collar of his flannel to see that there was indeed a place on his neck that could be opened and his cards could be turned off. Just like dad had said days ago.

I smiled at this knowing that all I had to do was find out what Aaron and I's next phase was so we could extract the chip. And hopefully there was an on and off button on the panel as well.

I smiled secretively.

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