I tilted my head to the side looking him up and down as he went to grab a slice of pizza.

"Like what you see?" He chuckled and I looked up at him startled at having been caught. I blushed shaking my head as I moved forward to steal his piece and took a bite out of it. He glared at me through slitted eyes and I giggled taking it from his hand. And our hands seemed to brush against each others for a moment and I pulled it back surprised at the way it was.

Errotic almost and I knew I shouldn't be thinking of such a thing. Aaron was seventeen and I knew his hormones had been terrible since the eighth grade. Of course he started school late so him and I were in the same grade from a young age and our parents had been friends since before I was born having lived next to each other so it was strange to think of him like that.

I knew a lot of best friends that were boys and girls always ended up falling for eachother but that wasn't the case with Aaron, there was no way that could happen.

"No I think you look like a duck." I retorted and his mouth dropped open.

"But you hate ducks."

"Exactly." I joked with a wiggle of my eyebrows and he rolled his eyes at me.

"You know you think I'm sexy." He clarified and I snorted at this.

"Ching chong your answer is wrong." I told him putting my hand up palm towards him and his face went hard.

"I thought we were done with the Asian jokes McGarth." I knew he hated when I did them so that was why I had to do it.

"You thought wrong Han solo." I giggled with a wink.

"You must have a tall order to reach Nexia." My mouth turned into an O at his words and the pizza fell out of my hands and onto the floor as he laughed at me. I looked down at it realizing it was a waste of beautiful food, and I reached down to get it with an evil intent. I picked it up and looked at Aaron who was holding onto his chest as if he were in pain from laughing to hard.

I let the pizza swoop out and caught him off guard. He picked himself back up looking at me in disbelief.

"Did you just hit me with a piece of pizza?"

"Correction. I just slapped you with a piece of pizza that had fallen on the ground."

"Oh it's on like Donkey Kong." He told me and I giggled turning around to run but his arms trapped me pulling me back into his body. My bum was on his crotch as he pushed forward trying to hold me tightly so I couldn't get away and I stopped moving letting the pizza fall back onto the ground.

And he seemed to stop moving as well and moved deeper into me, and leaned his head towards me so he could whisper to me. His hot peppermint scented breath fanned my neck and I shivered.

"Do you know how much I wanted to take you yesterday in that short see through white dress of yours?" He asked me huskily.

"I think you were teasing me on purpose just to get a reaction; moving that sexy bum infront of me so provocitively. I should punish you for that." Wow that came out of no where. My mouth fell opened in surprise hearing this kind of language come out of my best friends mouth. His hands started to trail up my shirt rubbing my stomach and I could feel the difference it held from a human and a robot touching me like that.

I prefered the human touch to the robots but I felt guilty for already being in this kind of situation.

'"Aar-Aaron. I don't know about this." In a way I think this would be illegal, because he was almost an adult and I was still considered a teen. I knew it would have been illegal if it was with Luke and if he had been actually human but considering that he was a robot there was nothing about it since no one really knew about these robots. But I was sure to make a complaint to the court office soon.

"So you don't want me now?" He teased me lightly with a deep chuckle. I knew what he was. Male; flesh and boned, with a heart beat. Something that I did want but the more I thought of it the more I wanted it to be Luke but not the robot Luke, real human Luke. I didn't know if he was nicer than this one, or if he would hurt me but right now I needed him more than I would ever need an Aaron and a robot Luke.

"Luke." I replied and he let out a groan and let go of me. "Aaron come on you know I can't do this to Luke." Especially as he could kill you with a flick of a wrist no doubt. I didn't add this because then Aaron would probably get over whelmed with that information.

"So you just tease me out of all of it?" He asked angrily and I turned to look at him as he crossed his arms and leaned back against the counter behind him.

"I didn't know I had been teasing you. I thought our friendship was mutual and we both wanted the same thing out of it meaning nothing like this." I exclamined putting my hand out palm up towards the celling as I motioned inbetween us. He looked down at his feet as he crossed his left ankle behind his right.

"And I thought you had always had feelings for me." I heard him whisper in a resigned voice.

"I do, but." I trailed off not knowing how to continue, he looked up at me knowingly.

"But you have deeper feelings for Luke." He knew it completely even if I didn't say it he knew and there was no way to hide the pain in his voice.

"I never said that Aaron." I defended myself but he gave me a menacing look that shut me up.

"You didn't have too. I've been your friend always and I leave for one year because of my parents job and as soon as I come back there is another boy in the picture? Another boy that was there for you when I should have, someone that would have snuck in your house late at night when you text them saying that you had a dream. Someone that could hold you tightly and hold every single piece of your broken heart together making you wonder why you had ever been broken. He was there for you when I couldn't be." Aaron trailed off with a grimance on his face.

"Oh Aaron." I said walking over and wrapping my arms around his waist wishing that he understood the complicated situation I was put in. I had no way of helping it, or what I wanted. Because what I wanted I couldn't seem to get no matter how much I asked.

It made me feel bad that he felt this way and I was just now finding out about this. I knew I was slow and not very perspective but I didn't know I was this bad.

"You have no idea how long I've been in love with my best friend." He told me in a soft defeated voice as his arms wrapped around me. His words hurt but they didnt have the same crushing affect like Lukes words had last night. I took a deep breath and let my tense muscles relax.

"I'm sorry, life is so complicated right now. You have to cut me slack." I told him hoping that he would understand.

"Of course." He understood completely and I think that was why we were best friends, because we understood eachother on a whole different level.

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