"S-s-she s-seems l-like a n-nice p-person."

"Yeah, Akamaru! She'll be my girlfriend!"


"Hope she's not too troublesome. What a drag."

"She looks tasty."

"What kind of parent names their child Itami?"

I decided to stop listening, hearing that it's all about girls who are more caught up in love instead of actually being decent ninja.

After the short introduction, I picked the seat next to a shy girl, one I recognized as a Hyuuga. I smiled slightly at her and she blushed in embarrassment, smiling shyly. I turned away, not wanting to make her more uncomfortable than she already is.

Actually, Iruka seemed pretty nervous to be in my presence. He kept glancing at me to see if I was satisfactory, and some people who were very observant took notice of this. (Cough Uchiha, Shikamaru, Shino Cough)

After a long half hour, he called it was lunch. I was about to leave to a secluded area, or have lunch with either Kakashi or Tenzo, but a bunch of girls circled around me.

"Hm, she's not that pretty! Sasuke-kun wouldn't want her!"

"Blue hair? What a freak!"

"Yeah, and what is up with that flower?!"

"And look at her outfit! It isn't even pretty!"

I looked down at my outfit, consisting of: A white skirt with black lines going around, a dark navy, long sleeved shirt with a long sleeved mesh shirt under, a white handbag, and long black ninja shoes that reached just under the knees. It wasn't that bad, well, not to me and my two best friends.

I looked back up at them seeing how much make-up, hair products they have.

"And plus, a paper flower?! What a weirdo!"

They all burst into a fit of giggles, looking back at the Uchiha to see if he was impressed by how cool they thought they were, but he was actually scowling at them.

The same thought played in their head: He's not satisfied!

They turned back at me with glares, hands on their hips as some flipped their hair.

"And Sasuke-kun likes people who aren't a freak!"

"Yeah! He's not going to like you!"

My eyes were void of any emotion, not even a slight look of hurt. I stood up calmly and walked pass them, not even batting an eye.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!"

"She's probably out to steal my Sasuke-kun!"

"What a slut!"

I didn't even bother turning around as I left the classroom. I walked out to have lunch and saw Kakashi and Tenzo waiting for me. I forced a smile, and I could see Kakashi glaring at nothing in particular.

Kakashi POV

I had to stop myself from actually doing something I would regret to those annoying fangirls that were insulting Itami-chan. I was relieved to see Itami leave without a look of hurt, happy that they haven't brought her spirit down.

I quickly appeared next to Tenzo outside where we decided to meet Itami-chan for lunch. We knew she would want to have us around, judging by how she was this morning.

Just then, Itami came out and smiled, but I could tell it was forced. So they really did hurt her! I glared at the thought.

"Hey, Kakashi-san, Tenzo-san." She greeted enthusiastically, waving at us.

"How was your day, Itami-chan?" Tenzo asked, smiling at her. Her smile didn't falter, instead brighten up more.

"It was wonderful, thank you." She said, smiling a closed eye smile. He nodded and gave her some lunch, which she gratefully took and began eating.

I whispered over to her, not even making eye contact. "Don't listen to those girls." I said and she nearly choked on her food. "They aren't real ninja, they just care about love and their looks." I kept going, hoping to encourage her. "If you wanted, you could have taken them out easily."

She smiled at me and poked my cheek, making me look questioningly at her. "I'm fine, Kakashi-san, I just wasn't expecting to make enemies so soon." She then sighed, placing down her chopsticks. "In fact, I didn't really expect for them to insult me without even knowing me." She muttered, but I heard. She then grinned at me, making me slightly taken aback. She had never grinned, it was always smiles or smirks, but never have I ever seen her grin. "I'm really happy though."

I couldn't help the small smile that was creeping onto my lips. "I'm glad you're happy. Now, eat." I ordered and she nodded, happily taking the chopsticks and continuing her lunch.

Maybe this was a good idea for her. I thought, staring at the sky with a real smile, a smile that actually meant something.

Tenzo kept on a conversation, but I was zoning out on it, my mind going back to her future. She'll be in a team, become a Genin again, and will make friends, enemies, rivals, and probably love. I inaudibly sighed, running a hand through my hair. I'm too overprotective when it comes to her. But smiled even more. Maybe I can protect her unlike how I couldn't protect Rin.

"And don't overdo it with the clone jutsu and transformation jutsu. You don't want to show off and go back to being Jonin and ANBU." Tenzo informed Itami, snapping me out of my thoughts in the process.

Itami smiled at Tenzo, until lunch was over and it was time for her to go back to class. We bid farewell and watched as she disappeared into the Academy. I was debating if I should just spy on her just in case or just wait for the day to be over. And of course, being the way overprotective person I am, decided to spy.

The Flower That Will Someday Wilt |Naruto Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now