Twenty one: The death of Markus

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A/N: As a story ends....a new one begins.....

No one's pov

"So she has humanity." Dracula hissed in the Volpric's voice.

The Volpric's long hair gleamed handsomely in the torches. Dracula's hair was different. It was black as night but as long as his. A cut on both of their hands reminded each other that they were blood brother they were one. The other could not fight and win also live without the other. Surprisingly no one notices it that much because it's always hidden in blood glasses or holding something.

"Yes. Much energy goes towards them those originals." Lorenzo spited out in disgust.

"So shall we just kill her?" Dracula said looking out at the kingdom they built together. Or should I say Dracula built.

"No we should make her loose her humanity....just like how you did for me. Let's teach her a lesson." The Volpric said as if it were only a game.

Dracula did a dry dead laugh. "Oh I like this. We do it the old fashion way."

"The originals....." Volpric said as he trailed off in deep thought.

"Kill them but first let us send her to court and confess everything truthfully we can use Morcealean. So we get the whole story." Dracula whispered in Volpric's ears as if he were possessing him. *hint. *hint.*

"I like you're thinking Theodore." Lorenzo hissed "Since we only know from her body language."

"We should ask about the book as well." Lorenzo spun around and hissed "She must have it we searched everywhere!"

Emily's pov

I fell on my bed sobbing wildly. Richard left me in my own pity. It was the last night I was about to feel or cry even because the next night I commanded with Richard to the throne room. I wore my seductive outfit not caring. I wore thick make up as Richard came with me.

He said in a hushed tone "They figured it out. Him and Dracula. Your being sent to confess everything and-" It was to late we were there. He then added not caring "Me and some nextulations are running away. Only a few some men a women I'm good friends it's too late to escape with all of them."

I almost cried as I entered the room. Richard was gone he bolted away with his life. I walked in with my heals clicking. I saw the grandness of the room It had long columns that had all the laws of the Volper. The blood stained carpet was long as I stepped on it.

The handsome but wicked Volpic sat on the throne. His legs were crossed on the big tall throne that was made out of black iron. Stairs of gold went to it. His long pointed crown rested on his soft almost white hair. His eyes were blood red as if he was having a blood craving.

He sipped his blood watching me. I glanced at his side was Dracula, he was there. His hair style was like Volpric's but his hair was jet black. His eyes a sky blue. He was handsome and his high jaw bone was sexy. His long crooked nose pointed to Volpric as if he whispered an enchantment in them.

I went and bowed in front of them as they did this. I saw then a cut on both of there hands. 'Was Dracula controlling him!?' I though franticly as I said "My Volllllpric." I said making the 'l' longer.

"Emily Bevelton not a surprise." Dracula said as the angry eyes of Theacline raged on.

"Your test is to kill this original." Volpric said pointing to a door which'd swung open. Markus struggling came in with six guards and tituman chains weighing him down.

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