Chapter 7

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The next morning, as I woke up, I saw Alex standing in front of my bed. “Alex?”, I asked with my eyes half open. “Yes baby?”, he smiled and looked down to me. “Why are you here?” “Because I wanted to see your beautiful face.” “Aww Alex”, I smiled and tried to get out from my bed. “Does my mum know that you’re here?” “Yep. She saw me walked down the street”, he laughed. “Alex? You know this is the first line from ‘Socks And Sandals’ right?”, I laughed too. “Yeah. That’s the reason why I have to laugh.”

“Okay maybe you should go out now I have to change my clothes”, I smiled and opened the door for him. “But I can help you”, Alex grinned and turned to me. “Yeah I am sure you can”, I just said and pushed him out of my room.

I change my clothes and made my hair. “Alex?”, I jelled out of my room. “Yes?”, he jelled back and opened the door. “Should I straight my hair?” “Sure”, he grinned and touched my hair. “Please don’t touch my hair!” “Ohh okay.” He looked confused but laughed as I smiled at him.

“Can we go?”, he asked after a while. “Without breakfast?”, I asked and turned to him. “Ohh sorry. I will make you something”, Alex smiled and walked out of my room. “Thanks Alex”, I jelled as he closed the door. Aww… Did I ever say that he is such a cute boyfriend?

I finished my hair and looked on more time at my outfit and smiled. “Perfect”, I laughed. I took my phone in my hand and checked my messages, Facebook and Twitter. Suddenly my phone vibrated and I got a message from Alex. Why did he wrote me a message when we are in the same house? “Your breakfast is ready baby :* <3” And I really was so stupid and texted “Okay :* <3” back. So I walked out of my room and into the kitchen where I saw Alex’s cute smile. “Thank you so much baby”, I smiled.

As I finished he asked again if we can go. “Yeah. Now we can”, I laughed and took my backpack. “Okay good”, he smiled and opened the door for me. “Goodbye mum”, I jelled as I walked outside. “Goodbye. Have fun in the school”, she laughed. “Thanks”, I laughed too and Alex closed the door.

While we were walking to the school we met Nadine. “Hey”, she smiled big and hugged me. “Hey. You seem happy”, I laughed. “Yep. And I am”, she also laughed and also hugged Alex. “I think I am in love”, she said as we started walking. “Austin?”, Alex grinned. “I think”, she smiled. “Austin is really cool and nice, so maybe you two would be a great couple”, I said and smiled with knowing they will be a couple in a few days. I hope that Austin will ask her like a real gentleman.

“So today we will go to the cinema right?”, Nadine said still smiling. “Yes. What film do we watch?”, Alex asked and took my hand. “Titanic?”, Nadine asked him. “Okay. But please don’t cry”, Alex laughed. “I can’t promise”, Nadine said and looked away. “Me too”,  I said and looked to Nadine while smiling. “We can cry together”, she laughed. “Thanks babe”, I joined her laugh.

Right on school we got in our classroom. “What do we got today?”, Nadine asked. “Math, German, History, English, and two lessons physic.”  “Ohh. Thanks Britney”, Nadine said confused. Britney is properly the most famous girl on the school and that’s the reason why we don’t like her. I don’t know why other people could like her. She tells everyone what to do and that sucks! My first year with her, I really liked her cause of her ‘Fame’ but then I found out that she is nothing better.

Whatever; We sat down on our chairs and waited till the teacher comes. “So guys”, the teacher said as he walked into the room. We all stood up and said “Good Morning.” “Good morning children. Please sit down.” I hate it when he calls us children! I mean we all are 15 or 16! We are no children anymore! We are teenagers! “Please put this book out”, the teacher said and pointed as his book. So we all took out our book and started to make some math.

I am bored”, I said to Nadine after like 5 minutes. “Me too”, she said and still looked at her book. “Let’s make a story”, I laughed. “What story?” “I write a sentence and then you write a sentence. And it goes like this till we get bored with the story” “Ehmm… Okay let’s do it”, she finally smiled. “Okay but what story do you want to write?”, I asked her. “A Fanfiction”, she laughed. “About?” “Phil and Dan!”, she nearly fangirled over.

( [If you don’t know about Phil and Dan just check out there Youtube --> & - follow on twitter: @AmazingPhil & @danisnotonfire] Phil and Dan are properly a couple but we all don’t know it. It seems like but they are saying ‘NO’ and here on Wattpad there are a lot of Fanfictions so check them out and I hope you guys like them)

“Okay then let’s write a little Fanfiction about Phil and Dan”, I laughed. “Wait what?”, Mel said. “Is something wrong?”, I turned around and asked her. “You want to write a Fanfiction about Phil and Dan?” “Yes why?”, Nadine smiled big. “Can I join?”, Mel smiled. “Of course you can”, Nadine smiled bigger. “That will be crazy”, I just said and laughed.

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