Chapter 10

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The director walked away and said nothing anymore. How crazy is this?! He kisses me in front of the director and he even doesn't stops kissing me!

"Alex!", Austin suddenly yelled.

Now he stopped kissing me and turned to Austin. "What?"

"Common the lesson already started", he said and opened the class door a bit.

"Ohh okay", he said and took my hand.

We walked back into the class.

"Ohh you are already here", the teacher said and smiled a bit.

"Sorry, that girl is just too amazing", Alex said and kissed me on my cheek.

"We all know", Austin grinned.

"Shut up Austin!", Alex yelled and looked at him.

"Jo man, what's going on?"

"Nothing. Just shut up!"

We sat down and the teacher started teaching.

"Nadine? Why is Austin here?", I asked as I noticed that he was sitting next to Alex.

"I don't know. He suddenly came", she answered me.

"Okay? That's creepy", I said and looked at them.

"Yes. Yes it is... But whatever. I like it that he is 

"So tomorrow cinema time?", Nadine suddenly asked me.

"Yea tomorrow", I smiled and just looked to the teacher.

"Everything okay?"


"Kim? Are you sure?"

"Yea everything is okay. I just wonder why Alex is so hot."

"Haha, you are so stupid", Nadine laughed and turned back to her book.

*The end of the Day*

"Kim! Time for dinner!" I heard my mum screaming again.

"Okay I'm coming! Sorry Alex I have to eat, I will call you back later. Bye"

Going upstairs and into the kitchen. The same way I'm always going...

"So I'm here. Don't scream anymore when I'm calling with my friend!"

"You have a friend? Is there something I don't know?

"There are many things you don't know", I said and bite and my lip.

"Tell me!"

"No mum. No", I grinned and sat down next to the table.

"Come on and tell me, otherwise you will get no soup!"

"Okay, okay come down. It's Alex who I'm dating."

"Alex? You best friend?", my dad laughed.

"Yes dad."

"Ohh. I toughed it's just a joke."

"No dad."

"Ohh then I'm sorry..."

Dating my best friend... Sounds a bit weird but whatever. I love Alex! I mean how could I not love him? He is so perfect and so awesome.

"So you and Alex?", my mum asked

"Yes mum. Me and Alex."

"Do you guys ever had sex?"

"WHAT?!", I asked shocked.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. I jumped up and opened the door.  

Gosh why was my mum asking me this? She is just crazy!

I opened the door and saw Alex who just crashed into my house and kissed me like crazy. He pushed me against the wall behind me and moved his hands under my shirt.

"Alex please my parents", I said and took some breath.

"Can we go upstairs?", he whispered in my ear and kissed my neck.

"It would be the best", I said quite as he took his hands back.

"Mum, Alex is here. We are in my room."

"Don't make something stupid child!", my mum jelled.

"I can't promise", I laughed and we got upstairs.

My mum maybe freaks out now but whatever...

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