Chapter 9

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“Everything okay?”, Alex asked as he saw me walking to my place. “Yes yes”, I smiled. “Are you sure?”, he asked again. “Yes, totally sure”, I smiled and looked away. I know that Alex don’t like him so it would be better when I would talk with Luc cause of this. Maybe Luc will try to get my again and yeah… There would be a problem for him. And at the moment I still love Alex!

Thinking about Alex for like 2 minutes isn’t enough. Alex, my cute and perfect Alex. Why is he just so beautiful? Like an angel sent strait from heaven. I love him so freaking much! I really can’t say how much I love him! It’s an amazing feeling. I know that we are dating just for a few days but I still can say that I love him that much!

“Kim?”, Alex asked me as he noticed that I stared at him for like a few minutes. “Yes Alex?”, I smiled at him. “Is there something behind me or are you staring at me?”, he started laughing as he asked this. “I’m just staring at you baby. You are just too hot!” “Ohh okay. When you think that.” “Everyone is thinking so. Trust me Alex”, I said and looked finally away.

So the next lesson started and I get bored again. School is so bored! I can’t even believe that school is so bored! Austin should be so happy to be homeschooled. He can sleep a little longer and there are no people around him, who can make jokes when you said something wrong. It must be a perfect life! I wish I could be homeschooled too.

Suddenly my phone vibrated in the middle of our lesson. But the good thing was that nobody noticed it! As the teacher walked out of the class to get something I took my phone out and looked who texted me. It was Austin. “Hey. I hope you are okay, can you please say ‘hey’ to Nadine?” I looked at Nadine and grinned. “What?”, she asked me confused. “Austin texted me”, I smiled and looked like ‘Be-jelly-bitch’.

“Why did he texted you?”, she wanted to know and looked a bit angry. “He texted me cause I should say 'hey' from him.” “Ohh… And I thought it’s something, yeah you know..”, she said and blushed a little bit. “Haha, you mean that he is flirting with me or stuff like that.”  “Yes”, she looked away and I just laughed.

You are too crazy!”, I still said and looked back at my phone. “Okay, I told her but she just thought that you are flirting with me D:” As I texted him that I need to smile. Would he ever flirt with me?! No way! Austin is in a other level, so I will never get for sure. And I even don’t want him. Okay, he is nice, hot and he is a good friend but nothing more.

With my view back to Nadine I saw her still sitting there and staring at the bored. “Everything okay?”, I asked her. “Yes”, she said a little bit tired. “Is just that feeling that he texted you and not me”, she finally said. “Aww… Come on, that means nothing. Maybe he thinks you got your phone off. Austin knows that I got my phone on during the school”, I smiled a bit. “Yeah, maybe you are right.”

At the end of the lesson everyone was tiered. Okay, this lesson was really bored and so we did nothing special. “Kim, can you help me for a short moment?”, Alex asked me and smiled. “Yeah sure.” I don’t know why but we got out of the class and Alex was holding my hand. He turned to me and pushed me against the wall. “Baby I want you”, he smiled before he put his lips on mine. “Alex we are in school”, I said quite but he ignored me.

“KIM AND ALEX!!!”, our director jelled as he saw us kissing. Alex ignored him and just kissed me again and again. “WE ARE IN SCHOOL!”, he jelled again but Alex ignored him. Again. “OHH PLEASE!” No one of us said something, we just kissed.

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