Chapter 6

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Right in my room I took my laptop, switched it on and throw my phone on my bed. I got into the bathroom, took my make-up off and took a shower. Fresh showered I got back into my room and sat down in front of my laptop. Took my phone and checked my message I got while I was in the shower. “I need to tell you something <3”, Nadine texted me. “When it’s something about Austin then I already know it <3”, I texted back and laid my phone back on my bed. I logged in on Facebook and Twitter with my laptop and checked everything.

 I saw that someone texted me on Facebook. It was Mikel. I looked at the screen and just looked with my mouth open wide.

Kim! Did you ever released that I really loved you? You are the only girl on my mind and I really really loved you! And I still love you! How could you date Alex? I mean he is such a stupid and ugly guy. You are way too good for him. You belong with me! It’s impossible for me to live without you! I need you baby! I need you by my side! <3”

OHH GOSH! He really wrote something like that? I think he really loves me but always played with me and my feelings and it seems like Alex is the right one for me. So, what should I text back? I want that he knows that I really love Alex but I don’t wanna break his heart. That’s gonna be difficult.

My phone vibrated as I started to next him back. It was an unknown number. I was confused but I just thought it could be Austin so I answered the call. “Yep?”, I said first. “Jo Austin here”, he laughed. “Hey Austin”, I smiled big. “Are you at home?”, he asked me. “Yes and I already took a shower”, I laughed. “Ohh. Good to know”, he started laughing. “Austin you are so pervert!”, I just joined his laugh. “I know. I know.” “Can you please help me with my ex-boyfriend?”, I asked him still laughing a bit. “Sure. What’s going on?”, he asked and tried to stop laughing. “We broke up but he wrote me a message who says that he really loves me and that he can’t be without me and stuff like that. But the real situation is that he always played with me and my feelings”, I said sad.

“Ohh at first I am sorry for you and at second what should I do?”, he laughed. “You should tell me what I have to write back.” “Ohh okay. But I need to ask you something for this.” “Ask me whatever you want”, I smiled. “Do you still love him?” “I don’t think so. I think that Alex is the right one”, I grinned and heard him smiling. “Okay than text him that you just love Alex and that he should forget you”, he said and grinned. And yep I can hear it when someone is smiling on the phone.

“But I don’t want to break his heart”, I said and looked back on my laptop. “Then text him that you won’t break his heart but that you love Alex and that you think he is the right one”, Austin said. “Okay I will text him that”, I laughed and started to tip.

When I finished I said: “Okay I texted him.” “Good girl”, he laughed, “Do you have time tomorrow?” “For what?”, I asked and looked confused at my phone. “Nadine and I want to go into the cinema and maybe you and Alex can come with us”, he smiled. “Okay when Alex got time.” “I will asked him. Wait a few minutes.”

While Austin was talking with Alex I closed my laptop and put it back on the desk. I waited a few seconds till I heard Austin’s voice again. “He got time.” “Okay great.” “I think we should go to bed, we both got school tomorrow”, Austin laughed. “I should go to bed. You got homeschool, you can sleep longer”, I said sad. “Ohh come on”, he still laughed. “Okay then goodnight”, I smiled. “Goodnight”, Austin said and hanged on.

As Austin hanged on I got my next call from my other bestie Romana. “What?!”, I said angry because I really wanted to go to sleep. “I know it’s late but I have to tell you something!”, she jelled in her phone. “Okay and what?” “You know the guy Tomas, right? We are dating now!!!” She really freaked out as she told me that! “And I’m dating Alex”, I said and laughed. “You and Alex? You know that’s no idea!”, she said and I stopped laughing as I heard that. “WHAT?!”, I jelled. “Alex is not good for you babe!” “Ohh gosh I can’t believe it that you really said that!” “I know you hate me now but it’s true”, she just said and I hanged on without saying anything!

How could my bestie just said something like that?! She is stupid! That’s all!

I laid my phone back and tried to sleep.

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