Chapter 2

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Alex put his face closer to mine and smiled a little bit. I moved my hands slowly to his neck as he moved his head a bit down because I am smaller than him. Alex pulled me even closer to him but then… “ALEX!”, Austin jelled again. “WHAT?!”, Alex asked and gave him a dirty look. “What?”, Austin asked confused and acted like he don’t know what he did. “Could you please leave?”, Alex said annoyed. “Ohh I understand”, Austin said and grinned before he walked away. “I am so sorry again, Austin is just so, yeah I don’t want to say that he is stupid but yes he is”, Alex said and looked at the water under the bridge. “I don’t care Alex”, I smiled and laid my arm around him. “Thanks”, he grinned for a short moment but that was all. “So you and me at six?”, I asked him after a while. “Sounds good”, he said and walked away.

“Where are you going?” “Back to the others”, he said but don’t look back. I just followed him without saying a word. “And?”, Nadine asked my excited as she saw me. “No. Austin might be a problem for us”, I said and looked at Austin. “I am a problem?”, Austin asked me and looked sad. “Yes you are. That was the second time now!” “I am sorry but he is not yours!” “And he is also not yours!” I turned around, walked away and sat down on the next free bank. After a while I heard some screaming my name. I looked around but I saw nobody.

Suddenly I felt someone’s hands over my eyes. “Guess.” “Hmm… It sounds like the cutest guy ever and also my bestest friend. I think it’s Alex“, I laughed. He put his hand away from my face and laughed. “You are good.” “I know”, I smiled and blushed. “I wish we could be alone”, he smiled at sat down next to my right site “I wish too”, I said and licked across my lips. Okay I am a little bit confused. Why does he want to be alone with me? It’s great to hear something like that buy why? Does he really wants something from me? I know that may sounded wrong but I am sure you guys know what I mean. I have to stop thinking about stupid things. We are just best friends and that’s all! I am sure he would never date me. I should be happy that he is still my best friend. He is cute and he is lovely but it would be crazy to date someone when I just broke up with Mikel. That’s sick! Okay I need to say something. It comes stupid when I just sit there with Alex and we both say nothing! I said nothing; I just laid my head on his shoulder and smiled. Alex noticed my smile and laughed.

“What?”, I asked him and took my head away from his shoulder. “You are too cute Kim”, he said and looked at me with his cute eyes. “Aww… Thank you”, I blushed. “And it’s so sweet when you are blushing.” “Ohh Gosh it’s not”, I said and put my hands on my checks. “It’s cute!”, he said and put my hands away from my face. “So I need to ask you something”, Alex get closer to me and laid his arm around me. “Ask me whatever you want.” He turned to me and looked deeply in my eyes. “Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”, he asked slowly. “Yes Alex; Yes”, I smiled big as he hugged me tight. Do I have a new boyfriend now? It seems so and I am totally happy with this! I can’t believe that we are really dating know. That’s amazing. Now I can Austin that he is mine. Without noticing I started to laugh. “What is so funny?”, Alex asked me confused. “I just thought about something stupid”, I grinned and looked away. Alex laughed too and said his typical “Stupid”. “Would you tell it Nadine?”, he asked after a few minutes. “Yep. If you got no problem with this”, I smiled. “No, no. As long as I can tell Austin.” “Sure you can.”

We both got back to Austin and Nadine. There were sitting under a tree and were laughing about something. “Hey guys”, I said while Alex was holding my hand. “Are you dating now?”, Austin asked excited. “Yes we are”, Alex smiled big and looked at me. “Congratulation”, Nadine jumped up and hugged us both. “I am happy for you Alex”, Austin laughed and also jumped up. “Is today “Jump-Up-Day”? Or why does everyone jump up from something”, I asked confused while I smiled a little bit. “Yeah I think so”, Austin laughed. “And Austin. Now he is mine.” “Yes now”, he said and looked at Alex. “You guys are crazy”, Nadine said and shacked her head from left to right. “Kim. Austin said he can teach us the jerk too”, Nadine suddenly said after it was too quiet. “Okay but I want to learn it from Alex”, I said proud and looked at him. “How I said you are too cute”, he blushed and pulled me closer to him.

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