Once I was stood alone in the hallway, It was like everything I had been keeping in hit me at once. The walls inside me were torn down, pain and sadness came crashing through from where they once stood.

They were dead.

My mum my beautiful mother, who spent her entire life only wanting to take care of everyone else. Always putting herself and her own needs second when it came to our family and friends. Images flashed through my mind of all the times she taken care of me when I was sick or hurt, every scraped knee she had kissed better, every heart break she allowed me to cry about on her shoulder, every problem that I had was halved because we would talk through it together. There was nothing she couldn't put right with a smile, hug or a kiss.

My father was a whole different story, growing up I was always a daddies girl. I spent most of my life growing up trying to impress him, even though he never made me feel unworthy or unloved I always felt like I had to prove to him that I was good at everything I tried. I remember bringing him my best drawings and my best paintings as a kid, that I would spend hours perfecting just for him. I would stand waiting for him to obverse whatever I had brought nervously, playing with my hands and chewing my lower lip a habit I hadn't quite grown out of yet unfortunately . The first day he put one of my paintings on the fridge my whole heart burst with pride, I swear I didn't stop smiling for a week. He was always pushing me to be the best at whatever I did, but was always there to talk and offer encouragement if I failed. I just know I wouldn't be the person I am today, if it wasn't for his teachings and his love.

Bringing myself out of my memories I was taken aback by just how far I'd travelled without realising it. I didn't even know this part of the house, I'd never been here before. But here I stood in front of a very large set of wooden double doors, when I looked closer I could see they had intricate vine work etched deep into their boarders and two large bronze door handles in the middle.

I bit my lower lip hard when the handles began to push down on their own, alerting me to the fact that there was someone in the room. I was ready to start apologising for interrupting whoever it was, when my face collided with Roman's hard chest his scent enveloped me immediately.

I was quickly locked tight in his strong arms, his head lowered to rest on top of my head inhaling the scent of my hair deeply. My body moulded perfectly against his as my arms locked around his waist.

"Your pain it'a....overwhelming" he growled into my hair making his voice come out a little muffled, but it wasn't what he said that confused me it was what he meant by it.

Pulling his head back to face me my face must of portrayed my confusion pretty well, because his eyes cast downwards almost instantly making me think that there was something he was keeping from me.

"What did you mean by that Roman, how do you know how I feel?" I asked my voice coming out sounding more accusatory than I had meant, but it did the trick as his golden eyes rose to meet mine.

"The mating mark" he said wistfully.

Brushing across the scar of his canines that sat in the junction of my shoulder and neck, his touch sent tingles shooting through my entire body lighting me up inside, a fire began to roar deep within me as his fingers danced over my skin. I had to physically stop my body from leaning into his, in an effort to increase the contact.

"We're connected Emma. I can feel you, any strong emotions, sense you wherever you are, and from what I can tell you can sense me as well. Even if by only a little right now, as you managed to find me, without even knowing where my office was located in the house.

"Honestly I don't even remember walking, I was so lost in thought, and before I knew it I was here." I admitted thinking back to see if I could remember if anything had told me to walk to this room, but I just couldn't recall.

"You came to me for comfort Emma, and the thought of that makes me very happy. " I looked up to see a sad smile tug at his perfect lips.

Romans reached out to me in an attempt to pull me back into his body, but I knew I couldn't let him. I knew that if I allowed this contact between us right now I would easily get lost in his comforting touch.  Roman had a way of making me forget all my problems, and that wasn't what I needed right now.

I watched as the smile on his face faltered when I didn't allow myself to come to him, but he didn't call me on it. Instead he let out a long deep sigh, standing back he motioned for me to come into his office with him.

Walking into the room the first thing I noticed was a very large wooden desk sat in the centre of the room, it had the same intricate carvings as the doors along its sides and front. Mountains of paperwork were piled high over the entire worktop, save for a small space which had a laptop and an empty clear crystal glass next to it. Behind the desk sat a large black leather office chair that was pushed back from the desk, clearly from where Roman had gotten up to open the door to me.

A large black leather sofa also sat in the room with a thick blanket folded over the back with cushions on either side. I made my way over to the sofa not trusting my legs anymore and sat down feeling myself sink easily into it. Roman walked over to join me lifting the throw from the back of the sofa he used it to cover my body, before sitting next to me waiting patiently for me to speak.

After repeating to Roman what Terri had told me and watching his knuckles turn white at certain parts of the story, I could tell that he was holding back his anger, allowing me to finish. Which I silently thanked him for, because I was scared that if I stopped talking right now I wouldn't be able to start again.

After finishing my story I sat in silence giving him time to process, at some point I had taken Roman's hands in mine, so I sat there slowly trailing my thumb across the back of his hand. For some reason this seemed to calm both of us but I knew it wouldn't work for long, I knew the next words out of my mouth wouldn't be received well but I couldn't let that stop me.

Standing up I let the blanket fall from my body onto the floor, Roman's eyes following me until I was stood in from of him between his legs. Looking down at him I waited until his eyes met mine, I knew what I had to do.

"Roman, I need to go home."

❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆

Happy Wednesday everyone.

Hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter, I know it's a little short but I promise the next one makes up for it! ☺

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