I wanted to argue with him, I wanted to demand that I needed to go to my parents house, that I had to see if it was true because maybe Terri had been mistaken. But in all honesty I knew it was just false hope, I knew Terri and there was no way she'd say something like that unless she was one hundred percent certain. I was physically and emotionally drained, it had been one hell of a day and I knew I couldn't rely on myself to think straight right now.

Romans wolf let out a snort of triumph as I relented, starting to head back the way I came with his nose at my back. I didn't know how long it would take us to get back, because frankly I couldn't even remember how long I'd been running for, before Roman caught me. Everything in the forest looked the same, I became secretly thankful that Roman had caught up to me, because I wasn't even sure if I had been heading in the direction of my parents house.


After walking for what seemed like forever, I had tripped over one too many times scraping my hands useless in the process. Roman was  using his teeth to lift me back onto my feet every time I fell, needless to say I was getting very frustrated, not to mention cold and exhausted.

Every time I fell over landing on my butt my wolf would snort a laugh inside my head, this only added to my frustration. The tears of my previous sadness quickly morphed to those of anger. Roman was plodding along effortlessly behind me, nudging my back when I would take too long or take the wrong turn, he was really starting to get on my nerves.

I decided enough was enough, I was sick of aimlessly stumbling around in these woods. I wanted to get home and get warm. I spun around on my heel to face Roman, my arms crossed staring up at him. A look of pure defiance crossed my face as he attempted to nudge me again, but I stayed put. Romans wolf huffed at my stubbornness, and I physically had to stop myself from stomping my foot in a full blown temper tantrum fashion.

"Can I not just ride you?" I asked watching his blazing golden orbs widening at my words. A low husky growl rumbled throughout the woods around us, the sound sending a jolt of heat coursing through me settling low in my stomach.

Realising what I'd just said caused a flush to appear on my cheeks warming my face despite the cold, but I was not in the mood for games. Reaching my hand out I swatted at his shoulder, only to receive a snort of laugh from Romans wolf.

Fed up I turned back around to carry on my assault course when I felt Roman teeth close around the top of my shirt, the next thing I knew my feet were leaving the ground as I was swung up onto Romans back, my hands sinking into his fur to stable myself. Roman stood still for a moment, allowing me to adjust on his back. Once I'd situated myself on him comfortably, I dug my hands back into his fur enjoying the silkiness of it between my fingers.

"I'm not hurting you am I?" I asked not wanting to anger Romans wolf by ripping out chunks of his fur. His head swung around to look at me a short snort leaving his nose, and I could of sworn he rolled his eyes at me.

With that he took off running at an incredible speed, forcing a small scream out of my lungs. Leaning forward I adjusted my arms to wrap around his massive neck, so I didn't fall off. The ride back was completely exhilarating. I felt as light as air as I watched the trees pass by in a blur, my long brown locks whipping out behind me as we went. Romans gigantic paws ate up the distance easily tearing up the ground in our wake.


Arriving back at the compounds gates I saw that Terris car was still parked outside, I was glad she was still here, I was worried she would have left. I lowered myself down carefully from Romans back making my way over to the car, looking into the drivers side window I couldn't see Terri. I turned back around to ask Roman where she was, but now he wasn't there either.

I walked back to where I had last seen Romans wolf, calling his name into the darkness my echo the only response. My attention was quickly drawn to the sound of snapping that was coming from behind a large tree, not far from where I was stood. I held my breath waiting to hear more my heart thumping in my throat, I called out to Roman once more before a tall figure stepped out from behind the tree.

A wave of his clean crisp scent hit my nose before he came fully into view, letting me know that it was Roman who was now back in his human form. Romans hair was slightly more ruffled than usual making him look incredibly sexy, his perfectly muscled stomach was fully on show, dressed only in a pair of grey joggers that were hung dangerously low on his hips, drawing my eyes like a magnet to the deep V shaped lines that disappeared into his waist band.

My mouth ran dry instantly at the sight, my heart speeding up as my eyes roamed his powerful body. I had to bite down on my bottom lip hard to stop myself from groaning at how perfect he looked bathed in the moonlight. Once my eyes made it back to his face I noticed a very cocky smirk was being shot in my direction, which only increased my need for him.

Roman used his enhanced speed to quickly close the gap between us, leaning down until his warm breath tickled at my ear. His voice was husky, filled with a need of his own which sent goosebumps racing across my skin, which was now begging to be touched by him immediately.

"You know Kitten, if you continue to smell so intoxicating I can't be held responsible for what happens to your body" he whispered in my ear his lips brushing against me as he spoke.

I had to bite my lip again harder this time, to keep in the moan that was threatening to escape me. Roman quickly pulled away leaving me cold and aching but I was glad he did, because I wasn't sure I could of done the same and we had a lot of work to do. My wolf however didn't care about anything else but her mate, she was on a rampage inside of my head demanding that I drag Roman back into the woods and have my wicked way with him - honestly it was hard to ignore her.

Tunnelling his fingers through his already messy hair, he brought me back to reality with a bang.

"Terri is inside with Chuck, don't worry she didn't see me shift." he assured me knowing I would have enough to explain to her already, without having to add in the news that supernatural beings were real. Oh and her best friend was now also one.

Nodding I took his hand in mine, as he lead me back through the front gates of the compound. I tried to mentally prepare myself for the tornado that Terri was about to become, even though I knew I was in for it I was still glad she was here.

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Until next time,


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