31. The Dursleys 1

Start from the beginning

Harry was right, of course. As soon as the three arrived in the living room, they heard the angry Animagus. He raged through the room, throwing the most colorful curses around. Some of the expressions the cat boy had never heard before, and he resolved to look it up later.
Severus, on the other hand, had to hold back the urge to shut his man's pointed ears. The wording of the Marauder really mocked every description. Where did the guy get that vocabulary from?
Luna stood beside it, trying to prevent Zwirbel from memorizing the ranting. the blonde Ravenclaw did not want her little protege to learn English in this way.
Harry watched his godfather for a while, shooting forward and then back again. but at some point he could not help himself, he jumped up to Sirius and threw it over with a joyful Maunzen.
"Got you!"
Excited, the boy's tail whipped back and forth, while the boy enthusiastically kept his prey firmly on the ground.
There was silence in the room until she was interrupted by the dangling black.
"Harry, why are you kidding me? And why do you look at me like I'm a mouse? "
Luna could not hold back and the rest of the room roared. the mere fact that a cat had attacked a dog was wonderful. And then the comment of Sirius, he feels like a mouse. Simply priceless.
Harry, on the other hand, did not understand all the excitement; he had only seen his godfather run wildly through the area, and had acted.
"Harry just gave in to his cat instinct. And for a cat, it's impossible to resist a loot that fidgets so fiercely. "
Luna wiped some tears from her eyes and had to hold back, not to let go again when she saw the animagus' expression. But then she took pity and put out an index finger in Harry's direction, and as she had expected, her brother jumped at it too.
Harry did not know why, but it was simply impossible for him to ignore his outstretched finger. He jumped at his sister's and nudged his finger with his nose.
severus followed the spectacle fascinated, he knew enough about cats to explain his partner's behavior. But it still surprised him that Harry apparently took on so many feline qualities.
Slowly, there was movement in the confused medals.
Sirius scrambled to his feet.
"Nice that you're here, I take it you read the paper?"
Immediately, Harry's good mood dissipated again and he almost looked imploringly at his husband.
he calmly put his arm around his waist, even though he had to bend down a bit for that.
,"Yes, we have read them, and in addition we have received a lot of mail, for whose receipt I will duly thank the senders," growled the Potions master, he was already back to 180, if only he thought of it.
Everyone looked questioningly at the jailer, but Remus was interested in something completely different.
"Say, did you fall into a healing well or what happened in the last hours? Harry's scar has completely disappeared from your face and you too, Severus, are poorer by a few blemishes. "
Only now did the other present notice the change in the two. Both Hermione and Ginny almost drooled when they saw the stature of their teacher. Oh, Merlin, and he always hid that body under his robes? So what should be banned.
Harry was amused when he saw the faces of the others, Ron almost feeling sorry for him. He had noticed the reaction of Hermione and she did not like it at all. hermine was supposed to look at him like that, not at the grumpy and, above all, married potions master, he was about to do something stupid, but Harry prevented that from answering Remmy's question.
"We were in the woods gathering ingredients, and we met some friends who gave us a present."
,The cat boy did not want to say more than that, although he trusted those present here, but nevertheless he did not want to tease the secrets of his other friends on everyone's nose.
Luna, on the other hand, seemed to know exactly what it was, at least from her gestures. the girl raised her forefinger on her forehead sharply, then took the same hand and stroked the back of her closed fingers over her cheek. Harry just nodded, and Severus took the centenarian time to learn the sign language.
But first he had other worries.
"Harry and I will put our things in our room. and flea bag, I want you to come up in half an hour, I want you to help me make life difficult for some of the letter writers. "
"Can we help?"
"No, I want to take revenge and not play tricks."
Severus grabbed his husband and walked out of the room with him.

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