Chapter fourteen-A little suprise!

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Heeeey Angels!

Ok so i admit that the last chapter wasnt the best but this is where the story starts to pick up!


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Love you all

Charlotte xoxo

Throughout everything that has happened these last few days im just so happy that i had Jake and he was home from the volturis job and that i was safe-well you know.

I laid in bed until about ten today. I was still wrapped in Jakes arms.

'Good Morning Mrs Black!' Jake said, lifting my head kissing me quickly.

'Hehe, good morning Jakey!' I giggled.

'So what do you want to do today?' Jake asked sitting up pulling me to rest my head on his chest.

'Can we go to our waterfall?' I asked relaxing.

'Sure, get ready and we will go.'

I got out of bed and grabbed a long sleeve top and a body warmer. Followed by a pair of blue skinny  jeans. It was November so i dressed warmly. I got my hat scarf and mittens and headed down stairs. Jake had just finished breakfast and threw me a cereal bar. I didnt want to eat this morning but Jake insisted i eat something. He took my hand and we walked out.

'Bye everyone!' I yelled walking out.

We walked for about 20 minutes as we just strolled and wanted to enjoy eachothers company. When we got to the waterfall we walked straight into the cave behind it. I noticed our picnic blanket was still there along with another blanket. I wondered what it was for but figured it was just a spare.

We sat down and talked for a while. We talked about Liv and Seths wedding, re newing our vows on day and our first christmas together as a couple. Three hours had past by the time we left. It went very fast.

'Are you ready to leave Ness'?' Jake asked.

'Not yet.' I whispered pulling him close to me kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He pissed me back pushing me onto the floor. I pulled his shirt off and kissed his chest. He pulled my top and bra off and threw them to the side. I undone his jeans and pulled them. He unbuttoned my jeans and removed the rest of our clothing.  He kissed me everywhere and i ruffled up his hair. We stayed there for the rest of the day.

I showed Jake the memories we had just had. We walked back to the main house hand in hand to find everyone waiting for us. We wondered what was wrong but Aunt Alice skipped over to us telling us she needed to show us something. We followed her into the woods and then in the distance a small cottage was visible. It was like momma and daddys but more modern. I looked at Jake and smiled as we kept walking.

 'Do you like it Ness' and Jake?' She asked.

'What, this is for us?! We love it!' I replied running to her and hugging her.

'Nessie, this isnt for you to live in but its for you to escape to for a night or two just to be alone, now that your out of danger for a while.' Momma said. I ran over to her squealing.

'Thank yoou soo much!' I cooed.

'Aunt Rose, myself and grandma helped with the enteriors and momma and daddy found the location. And the best thing of all its two minutes away from your waterfall.' Aunt Alice explained.

We walked inside and there was a sparkly purple and black theme. It was so modern. There was a master bedroom and a spare one. The bed was fou post with purple fabric surrouning it. It was so elegant.

'We will leave you to it.' Daddy said.

We said goodbye and stayed there for the night.

The night before was so nice, we watched a film, had some food and then went to bed. When i woke up and felt so sick. As soon as i moved i felt like i was going to be. I ran to the bathroom and was sick.

'Oh my god Ness! Whats wrong!' Jake asked holding my hair, rubbing my back. When i was finally finished i sat on his lap and discussed what it could have been.  We thought of everything from the flu or food poisoning. But then it occured to me. I could have been pregnant.

'Jake, i think i know whats wrong.' I said.

'What, what is it?' Jake asked panicing slighlty.

'I think im pregnant.' I said. I smiled and kissed him.

'Oh my gosh Ness, this is amazing!' Jake said spinning me around.

'I know! But before we tell anyone can you go get me a pregnancy test please? I just want to be sure.' I asked.

'Ok, i will be back now.' Jake said and ran off.  I wandered around the house. I watched tv and went to lay on the bed.  I fell back asleep but woke up when i heared Jake come home. Jake handed me the test and we went to the toilet. When i had done it we waiting three minutes and then the result was through.

'Positive!' I yelled running to Jake. I couldnt beleive we were going to have own little family. My dream was now fully complete.

'Ahhhh!! Im so pleased Ness! We need to go and tell everyone though.' He said picking me up. Kissing me passionatley.

'Ok' I agreed. I got changed and put my hair into a bun and we both ran to the main house. Everyone was sitting in the living room watching the baseball.

'Everyone we have an announcment!' I shouted. Daddy gasped knowing what i was going to say and smiled at me. That was such a releif.

'Im pregnant! I yelled! Everyone was running towards me congratualting me and Jake! I was so happy! Nothing could ever go wrong.

'Ness, come upstairs so i can examin you and see what the pregancy will be like.' Grandpa said as we followed him up the stairs. He done and ultrasound, my heart was racing so much!

'Well Ness, it usually almost impossible to say what the sex is but she has grown enough to see. I can happily announce that you and Jake are having a girl!' Grandpa said. A little girl! Jake kissed me and held my hand rubbing my stomach.

'Also it looks like your pregnancy will be about 3 months but will be 'normal' compared to mommas. Oh and we need to make sure that she doesnt transform into a werewolf inside you. Its slim that would happen but thats the only complication at this stage!' Grandpa explained.

'I love you Jake!' I said kissing Jake.

'I love you both' He said as we both giggled.

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