Chapter four-Its time...

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Heeeey guys! ok, so this is where Nessies plan comes in. it sort of a twist that you wouldnt excpect to happen. Also heres a preveiw of the rest of the book; Nessie mistook something about Jake and over reacts, Their honeymoon could turn out like Edwards and Bellas? but will Nessie decide different? And a new friend appears, but who is she?

Hope you are all ready for the chapter four!

love you all, comment fan vote

charlotte xoxox

It was almost 5am when we all arrived on the beach.There was low mist surrounding us, and the breeze was chilling. It was like being in a horror movie and knowing something was going to happen, but not knowing when or where the person was hiding. It worried me, incase they decided to attack us straight away, we wouldnt see it coming if they did. Daddy heared my thoughts and said 'The volturi wouldnt  attack us straight away, it wouldnt be a goos reputation for them, and they wouldnt know how to explain it if the new got out.' That made sense i suppose, how would they try to explain that they killed the entire olympic coven without hearing what they had  to say. Grandpa Carlisle agreed with daddy and returned to disscussing tactics of how we were going to win against them.

 The soft grains of sand went inbetween my toes, but it relaxed me a little, well other than having Jake next to me!Aunt Alice was concentrating on tracking where the volturi current position, I was so nervous. But momma was nodding at me telling me everything would be fine! It soothed me  little, but i still knew what the outcome was going to be if it didnt work. We were all linned up, grandma and grandpa was on the end, next to them was aunt alice and  uncle Jasper, then momma, me, Jake, Daddy and lastly aunt Rose and Uncle Emmett. I had somewhat comfort knowing that uncle Emmett and uncle Jasper were there because i had grown so close to them both, and i know they could do some serious harm if they got annoyed.

'Their here.' Alice gasped. And then coming out of the low mist there they were.

'Ahh, Carlisle, its a pleasure to see you again my friend. I just wish it was under better cicumstances.' Aro said smiling. It was such a creepy smile it sent shivers down my spine.

'Yes Aro, likewise, but what me and my family would like to know is why are you here?' Grandpa Carlisle said looking anxious. I knew he already knew, but it might of been just to throw the volturi off, but i dont know, it was just making me so tense!

'Isn't it obvious? Renesmee had married one of our enemies!' Jane said looking like she was about to explode.

'Jane, its ok dear, thats why we are here, to resolve this and put an end to it.' Aro said almost jumping up and down whilst clapping.

'Aro, Jane, Felix, i promise you, Jake has not killed any vampires. He is our friend. And he only wants to protect others like us.' Daddy explained pulling me and Jake closer to him.

'Yes maybe so, but what about his pack? They live to kill us? Do they not?' Felix asked looking at Jake.

'That is correct. Seth, Leah, Sam and myself are happy to live in peace with all vampires, but the others do not wish to, because of the ancient story' Jake said explaning as calmly as he could.

'Yes that may be the case,  but we cannot take any chances.' Aro said smirking. 'He must be destroyed!' Aro said placing his hand out ereging Jake to go to him. Jake kissed me and walked towards him. Aro said that we would make it painless because, he knew Jake was telling the truth about living in peace with them.

Aro was about to kill the love of my life but beofre i knew it i was screaming at them.

'Please there must be another way!' I demanded.

'Well there is one way we could spare his life and allow you two to live in peace...' Aro said and pointed at momma, daddy and Aunt Alice.

'I will let your dog go if you Bella, Edward and Alice come and join us and become a member of the volturi.' Aro said grinning knowing they would never agree to it.

'No way in hell' Momma replied letting out a small growl.

'Well then, kill him!' Aro shouted. Felix went to jake, but as he began...momma shouted.

'Wait!' she yelled. Aro put his hand up symbolising that they needed to stop and allowed my momma to speak.

'What if Jake came to work for you, not live with you in Volettra, but worked for you. Everytime you needed to go war, or punish someone Jake, Seth, Sam and Leah could go with you and support you. It would give you higher increases of winning all fights 100%.' Momma began. Aro looked intrested but Jane looked like she wanted to kill Aro for even considering it!

'But why wouldnt they live with us?' Aro asked curiously.

'Well they all have an imprint and it would hurt them to much to be away from them, so then they wouldn'y fight as well.' Momma explained.

'Ah yes, and if i was to take you up on this offer, would Renesmee and Jacob stop seeing eachother.'

'No, it would hurt them to much. He will work for you whenever you need, but he needs Nessie. Its like us Vampires and blood, we cant live without it..' Momma explained convinsely.

'Very well, when we call for you, you must come Jacob, im trusting you.' Aro said shooting a warning glance at us.

'Thank you Aro this is very noble of you, and we wil not disipoint you again.' Carlisle thanked.

'Come, Jane, Caius, Felix, James, lets go. See you soon Jacob.' Aro said waving before shotting off into the distance. I was so releived that my plan had worked.

'Hey evereyone, that was the plan me and momma have been planning, did we do it convisenly?' I asked  looking quite pleased with myself, as did momma!

'Nessie, you little genius!' Aunt Alice cooed.

'Good job Ness, we get to keep the dog!' Emmett said messing around with us.

I turned to face Jacob; 'Sooo, did I do good? i know you have to work for them but it was the only way that we could 100% stay together.' I went on but Jake picked me up and kissed me forcfully to shut me up. I kissed him back looking pretty pleased with myslef.

'So i take that as a yes?' I asked him smerking.

'Yes, i love you so much. Thank you!' Jake said grabbing my hand as we walked back to the hotel. Our fingers intwerwind with eatchothers.

It felt so great to be safe atlast, welll some what safe. Me and Jake walked back to the hotel and because we were walking so slowly it took is almost an hour. We were talking about what we were going to do next, that pack were still here in Hawaii and we still had to tell Seth, Leah and Sam. So we decided to go to a local fun fair that comes to Hawaii every end of the summer. 

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