Chapter eight-Adventure?

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heey everyone!

Hope you are all enjoying this story! im enjoying writing this much more than the sunset as i excpect this to be longer, and i have spent more time planning it out.

The last chapter was very awkward for me to write. And this one wasnt as bad, but still awkward.

Vote, comment, fan!

Love you all.

Charlotte xoxo

Jake got up before me to make me breakfast. I grabbed a pair of white thin fabric shorts and a pink vest top and went out to the breakfast bar to see my amazing husband. As soon as I walked out of the bedroom the delicious smell of bacon, egg, sausage and toast filled the air. I was suddenly so hungry. I hugged Jake and the he picked me up and places me on the breakfast bar stool. He dished out our food and sat next to me.

‘Is it ok?’ He asked. Jake wasn’t really into cooking until we were engaged as Grandma started showing him how to cook.

‘Are you serious? This is lovely!’ I said nuzzling my head into his shoulder. We both finished eating after about half an hour because Jake prepared enough for the entire family-well if they ate there would be enough for all of them!

‘What do you want to do today?’ Jake asked me looking lovingly into my eyes.

‘How about exploring Isle Ness?’ I said laughing slightly.

‘Ok, sounds good.’

‘Wait, let me go and grab a bikini in case we end up going swimming.’ I said pulling away from him and running to the bedroom. Jake came in almost straight after, walking in on me putting it on. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I was having difficulty tying the strings around my neck. Why aunt Alice couldn’t of packed any costumes for me I would never know.

‘Here let me.’ Jake said walking around me, taking the strings and securing them.

I smiled at him and we headed out the door hand in hand fingers intertwined.

As we explored the island we went kayaking in rivers and swimming under waterfalls. It was so magical and peaceful, I could stay here forever. We walked in silence for a while and I got lost in my thoughts. I wondered that if we were to have a little girl or boy what the pregnancy would be like, and whether he or she would be vampire or werewolf. I then went onto thinking about school.

‘What you thinking about?’ Jake asked looking down on me and kissing my forehead.

‘Everything, If we were to have children, starting school and everything.’ I replied wrapping my arms around his waist.

‘Ah, well I’m sure whatever happens will be fine, and don’t worry about starting school for the first time, we will all be with you.’ He said.

We walked for a little while more and then I could here squeaking. As we walked further towards it, it became more clear. It was dolphins. Now I see what Jake had arranged. We were going to swim with dolphins.

‘So you’ve guessed it then?’ Jake asked grinning.

‘Yep and you’re just so amazing!’ I cooed.

We walked further towards the lagoon and I could see a man standing in there with them. I pulled my vest top and shorts off and entered the lagoon with Jake following closely behind. The man showed us all sorts of signals the dolphins recognize to symbolise what they must do. We also got to stroke them. They felt like leather and they were so calm and gentle around us. Me and Jake had a variety of photos with them and we held onto their fins and they swam us around for a while. It was such an amazing experience. I could never forget it. Well obviously.

‘Thank you so much Jake! I love you so much!’ I said jumping up on his ruffling his hair at the same time.

‘Its okay Ness’. And I think you will find I love you more.’ Jake said and laughed. He kissed me passionately and carried me back down to the little cottage. He ’threw’ me on the bed and ran my bath for me.

‘Hey Jake, come in with me.’ I called from in the bathroom.

‘Are you sure Ness’?’ He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

‘of course I’m sure!’ I replied as I took the remaining clothes off. I pulled his shirt and shorts off. And he removed the rest. He picked me up and placed me in the bath. He came in and we just played around. We splashed me and I splashed his back. We just sat and talked and then I made him wash my hair. He wasn’t so impressed with that. But it was funny. When we got out of the bath Jake dried me and changed me. I went to get dinner and cooked us both some cheese and ham toasties. We finished them after about ten minutes and I was quite pleased with myself as it was the perfect size and taste. Then headed down to the beach. The sea was so blue and clear. Turtles and tropical fish swam around us. We snorkelled hand in hand for a while and then messing around, racing and splashing each other. This was so perfect I couldn’t think of anything better right now. We went back to shore and the sand went in between my feet and stuck because out feet were wet. It was still quite relaxing though.

‘So you having fun today?’ Jake asked laying me on the sun bed and he laying on top of me.

‘As long as I’m with you I’m in heaven.’ I smiled and kissed him. I wrapped my arms round his neck, and he kissed me back.

I could feel myself drifting off to sleep and waking suddenly.

‘You’re tired!’ Jake asked lifting me up into his arms.

‘A little’ I said shyly. Jake put me on the bed and pulled the covers over me. Jake came and lay next to me with his arms wrapped tightly around me.

‘I love you Jake.’

‘I love you too beautiful.’ Jake replied to me.

We lay there for the rest of the night. In each others arms.

Sunrise(Sequal to Sunset)Renesmee's pov.Where stories live. Discover now