Chapter six-Does this mean I can...

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Heeeey angels!

Ok, so theres another twist about to come up! I hope you all like it!

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Love you all

Charlotte xoxo

We only had just over three hours sleep because we had to be at the airport by 4am as we were flying at 5am. It was nice to think we didn’t have to go through security as we had our private plane. It turned out that I woke up on the plane. Jake carried me in the hotel, airport and onto the plane because he didn’t want to disturb my sleep. I loved Jake for doing that, but I tried telling him it wouldn’t matter and that as long as I was with him it didn’t matter what time we had to get up, but he wasn’t listening to me.

‘Hey, Beautiful! Did I wake you?’ Jake asked leaning down to kiss my forehead. I awoke in the small room on the plane with Jake sitting on the end of the bed waiting for me to wake.

‘No.’ I grumbled and smiled at him. I stretched out and crawled over to sit on his lap. He cradled me in his arms for a while and then told me to get changed and meet us by the main section of the plane.

I grabbed a pair of blue faded skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. I put my hair up into a high messy bun and went out to the main room of the plane. Everyone greeted me good morning and allowed me and Jake to eat our breakfast together. Grandma had prepared Belgium waffles and chocolate sauce, followed by croissants and orange juice. It smelled and tasted so divine, and it was the perfect day to start the day. Soon after we had finished breakfast the captain told us to put out seatbelts on as we were about to land.

The flight seemed pretty short but that was probably because I slept through half of it. When we got off the plane I went back with Momma, aunt Alice and aunt Rose back to the main house as Jake had to go and see Billy and Daddy, uncle Jasper, uncle Emmett, Grandpa and Grandma went hunting. It would have been about an hour drive from the airport but with aunt Alice driving it took us a little over ten minutes.

We all went upstairs and helped me unpack (vampire speed of course) and then I went off to the toilet.

As I sat down I noticed blood. Everywhere. I screamed and started to cry. I didn’t know what was happening. All I could see was blood. Momma, Aunt Rose and Aunt Alice was with me within seconds and they immediately told me what was wrong. They guessed I had started my period. I didn’t know whether I would of or not but that had surely that would have ment I could have children. They took me into the bedroom and waited for Grandpa to get back to clean the toilet. Momma told me everything I needed to know and then sent Aunt Alice and Rose to get towels for me. She told me that it would come once a month and not to worry about it.

‘Momma, can you shield my thoughts for a minute?’ I asked through the tears.

‘Sure baby.’ she said.

‘So does this mean me and Jake will be able to have children?’ I asked. I asked momma to shield my thoughts because I didn’t want daddy hearing what is was asking as I knew he would go mad if he knew what I was asking.

‘I’m not sure baby, I mean we will have to ask Grandpa when he gets home.’ She said.

‘Ok, but will you come down with me and ask him, and shield out thoughts please?’ I asked hoping I wouldn’t have to ask him on my own because I was a little embarrassed.

‘Of course baby.’ She said hugging me and kissing my head. I was sort of relieved that this has happened now because, we wouldn’t have to go through it later on.

Grandpa was back within no time, followed by aunt Alice and aunt Rose.

‘Where is everyone?’ I asked

‘They stayed out hunting as I told them there was nothing to worry about. But dad is going to get Jake when their done hunting.’ He said. Aunt Alice handed me the towels and took me to the bathroom to show me how to put them on. Luckily everyone in the family can handle being around blood now, and if they don’t they know when to leave, so I felt perfectly safe.

‘Hey Carlisle, can me and Ness have a word with you in private please?’ Momma asked as she tried to shoo my aunties out by saying that she would explain later.

‘So um, Nessie wanted to know if she can have children or not?’ She asked as I looked down too embarrassed to look anyone in the eye.

‘Um, it’s a possibility but we wouldn’t know for certain until it happens or not. But there is about a 95 percent chance you will be able to.’ He said to me. I was quite excited about this news because I knew that Jake has always wanted children but we never thought we could.

About an hour later my stomach started to feel like it was cramping so aunt Rose explained that would happen quite a bit, but it can be soothed with a hot water bottle and relaxing. So that’s what I done. I must of fallen to sleep as I woke in my bed rather than on the sofa and Jake was laying next to me.

‘Are you ok. I heard what happened.’ He asked looking concerned. He knew this was a normal part of a human teenage girl, but not fir a half vampire.

‘I’m fine’ I said leaning into him and he wrapped his arms around me.

‘So does this mean what I think it does?’

‘Grandpa said there is a 95 percent chance that we will be able to’ I replied and his face lit up.

‘This is great Nessie!’ He cooed at me ‘But if it would be anything like your momma‘s pregnancy I could never put you in that danger.’ He said.

‘It will be fine Jakey! And we will ask grandpa in the morning.’

I kissed him and we lay there for the rest of the night relaxing, talking, kissing and sleeping

Sunrise(Sequal to Sunset)Renesmee's pov.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ