Chapter eleven-The big day.

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heeey Dolls!

So what did you all think of the last chapter? In this chapter Renesmee starts school and meets a new friend but is she really all she said she is?

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Love you all

Charlotte xoxo

*Beep, beep, beeep*

I woke up to my alarm clock.

'6.30 time to get up! Big day today!'  Momma said shaking me and Jake to get up.

'Ok Momma.' I whispered pushing Jake to wake up.

'Schoool timmeee! Hair, makeup clothes! so much to do in such little time!' aunt Alice said dancing into my closet. Me and Jake got out of bed and Jake went to get ready in the spare room.

Aunt Alice picked out a baby pink ruffled skirt with a matching white lace top. Followed by a pait of white three inch heels. I looked so formal. Aunt Rose and aunt Alice done my hair and makeup for me to. My hair was down with my natural curls with waterfall braids on either side of my head. And my makeup was very natural with very darks eyelashes.

When we got to school everyone was staring at us. But then again who wouldnt? There was a group of beautfil family members with not a floor, how could you not stare? When we got to the reception the headmistress greeted us.

'Hello my name is Mrs Jones. You must be the Cullens.' Mrs Jones said.

'Yes, we are the Cullens. It is very nice to meet you Mrs Jones. I am Alice and these are my genetic sisters Bella, Rosalie and Renesmee, but people call her Nessie. Here are my adopted brothers who are genetic to eachother Edward, Jasper, Jacob  and Emmett. Im in a relationship with Jasper, Emmett and Rose are together Jacob and Nessie and Bella and Edward are to.' Aunt Alice explained almost jumping up and down with excitment.

Mrs Jones handed us our timtables and we all compared.

'Here we are Ness, You will not be alone in any classes.Aunt Rose, myself, and momma will be in your gym and maths class. Daddy and uncle Emmett are in your science, english and geography, Jake is in your history, French, art and rs class and Uncle Jasper is in your ICT class.' Aunt Alice added quickly.

The bell rang for first period and we all agreed to meet back by the reception after the lesson. First i had gym. We didnt have our kits with us so we just sat on the side watching and having a chat.

'So what do you think of school Ness'?' Aunt Rose asked quietly winking at me.

'Its ok so far. I just feel a little strange.' i replied.

We were all sitting down having a chat watching the hockey lesson when a young girls head was knocked with a hockey stick forcefully allowing the head to bleed sevearly. Me, momma, aunt Alice and aunt Rose ran out almost immediantley as we couldnt risk exposure. Blood was all on the hand of the girl and there was alot of  blood on the floor to.

'Hi im Katlin. What are you doing out here? The teacher wants you back in now!' Katlin said quietly.

'Hi Kaitlin im Bella and these are my sisters. Can you tell the teacher we are sorry for running out but the thing is, we all have a fear of blood and if we see it we faint.' momma said to Kaitlin as calmly as possible.

'Oh ok, ive never heared of anyone with a fear like that, but ok.' She said cautiously.

'That was close and its only the first period!' I whispered in a scared sort of voice.

'I know Ness'. But it was just bad luck for it to happen now.' Momma said hugging me.

'Ok, the teacher said to go to her empty classroom and get some water and stay there for the rest of the period.' Kaitilin came back in and told us.

'Ok thank you.' Aunt Rose said politley.

When we got to the classroom, we noticed that it was almost time to go to history with Jake. I waved goodbye to everyone and headed there. When i eventually found the classroom Jake was waiting outside for me.

'I missed you!' I said to Jake kissing him quickly.

'I missed you more!' He laughed.

As we walked into the classroom we had Mrs Morgan.She was a kind teacher and i understood everything she taught. I never realy understood History but it was so much clearer to understand.  Kaitlin was also in the class with us. She was asking me about where we moved from and whay we moved here. Jake helped me with the answers and i think that then i made my first friend.

'So, do you want to come and eat lunch with us Renesmee?' Kaitlin asked.

'I would, but i would rather eat with my family today. And please call me Nessie.' I replied. Kaitlin was a tall skinny girl with dark brown straight hair. She seemed nice enough and i got along with her quite well to.

'Oh ok. See you after lunch as im in your classes.' She said.

'Ok.' I replied with. Me and Jake worked together on the work as it was group work. But considering we didnt know anyone else except kaitlin we worked in pairs.

When the bell went to show it was lunch we all met by the recption like planned. During the course of lunch the ammount of times i almost said aunt, uncle, momma or daddy was unreal. They kept covering for me but it was so confusing.

Last period we had ICT with uncle Jasper. I went and sat in the class and noticed Kaitlin was on her own as her friends wasnt in this class. I went and sat by her and decided that she would be who i sit by in this lesson.

Uncle Jasper could feel me getting nervous about talking to her because she almost touched my hand and i was afraid of showing her something, so uncle Jasper sent waves of calmness throughout my body and it relaxed me so much.

'So do you fancy going to the cinema's or something tomorrow? Afterall it is Saturday?' She asked sweetly.

'Urm Ok, but i will have to be home before it gets dark.' I replied feeling a little agitated about the whole thing.

When the bell rang for the end of the day i told everyone i had plans to go see a movie tomorrow. They thought it was fine but if i needed them to shout as they would be close by.

Sunrise(Sequal to Sunset)Renesmee's pov.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ