Chapter thirteen-First Job.

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Heey angels!

I hope you all dont hate me for the last chapter! i needed a big twist in story and it was the only thing i could think of. Sorry if it hurt or offended anyone.

Anyway in this chapter we have got a job, but whos?

Keep reading to find out!

vote,comment fan.

Love you all

Charlotte. xoxo

I didnt sleep at all last night, well other than when i had a nightmare, which was for about five minutes and then i woke up screaming. I couldnt stop crying and panicing about what happened. Jake didnt leave my side at all. He was always with me comforting me and calming me down. I really dont know what i would have done without him. Momma, Aunt Rose and Aunt Alice came in everytime i had a nightmare.

'I love you Jake.' I whispered hugging him.

'I love you to Ness'! and no one is ever hurting my wife ever again.' He said kissing me.

I lay in bed until 12pm not wanting to move, but Aunt Alice called us all downstairs ergently.

'The volturi called and they want Jake, Sam, Leah and Seth to go to Italy and do the job for them.' She said looking at me and Jake.  I didnt know how to react, i knew he had to go but when?

'When does he have to go?' I asked.

'Tomorrow.' She replied.

'Do we go with him and the others or stay here?' I asked momma.

'Its up to you baby, but i would stay here.' Momma replied hugging me.

'I agree Ness, stay here and hang around with Olivia. Plan the wedding, and im sure Alice will help keep you busy with a shopping trip or two.' Jake said kissing my forhead.

'Ok, but call Seth and ask them to come over. And ask Olivia to sleepover here until your home.' I said.

'Ok. I will do that now.' Uncle Emmett said.

'We're letting the dogs out!' Uncle Emmett said on the phone to Seth trying to ease the mood. 'You, Sam and Leah need to come over as the Volturi have a job for you. And Nessie wants to know if Olivia will sleepover ours until you and Jake get home?' Uncle Emmett asked.

'Ok its all set, they will be here within an hour. And Ness; Olivia is coming to stay for abit.' Uncle Emmett said walking back to stand with Aunt Rose.

Me and Jake went for breakfast and then started packing for him to go. I started to cry.

'Awwh baby, whats wrong?' Jake asked putting me on his lap.

'Im going to miss you so much, and i dont know what to do without you. I love you so much.' I whispered.

'Awh, i know beautiful. I will miss you to, but i will call everyday, and i will only be gone for about a weekend. I love you to Ness.' Jake cooed.

We sat there for a while just talking, and then the door bell went it was just as well we were done packing.  Sam, Emily, Leah, Seth and Olivia came up to our room and sat down.

'Sam, Seth, Leah we have to go to Volettra now, i will explain on the way.' Jake said kissing me on the lips. We all said our goodbyes and me, Olivia and Emily all sat on my bed. I  missed Jake already and they had only just left.

'I hope you dont mind Ness, but would it be ok if i stay to?' Emily asked.

'Of course, girls night!' I said jumping up and down.

'Did i hear girls night?' Aunt Alice chimed.

'Yes you did, want to join us later?' I asked hugging her.

'Yay!' Was her response, so i took it was a yes.

We all sat on the bed and i had realized that Liv and Em didnt know what happened yesterday. I started to cry about it and they came rushing to hug me.

'Oh my god Ness whats wrong?' Liv asked while Emily rubbed my back.

'Yesterday i went to the movies with this girl from school, and she took me to the woods and raped me. Momma, Daddy and Jake got there before she could do anything more.' I cried even harder when i was explaining it.

'Awh Ness. Its okay, shes gone and shes not going to hurt you again.' Emily said.

'Come on Ness', its okay.' Liv said.

I wiped my eyes and explained what happened with the help from momma. Afterwards we all had Aunt Alice do our hair and nails, Aunt Rose our Hair and momma to pick out our clothes for tomorrow morning. When we had finally all setteled down the phone rang. I went and got it and it was Jake. My Jake, that i missed so much!.

'Hey Ness, i miss you and love you so much. Good news, the volturi have treated us very well, and our job is done. It was more of a test to make sure that we would stick to our promise, and we garded the quaters for the day. Their allowing us to come home tomorrow.'  Jake said.

'Oh yay! i missed you! See you tomorrow love you more.' I said. I jumped back to Emily and Liv and explained what was happening.

'So, liv, whats happening on the wedding? And Aunt Alice wants to know if she can help?' I asked curiously.

'Well, tomorrow before the guys come home we need to go dress shopping. As Ness' your my maid of honour, Em,Alice, Bella and Rose can be bridesmaids. And of course she can, as long as she will be a bridesmaid.' Liv laughed.

'Oh thank you soooo much Liv, i would love to! Aunt Rose, Aunt Alice, momma! Come here!' I yelled.

'Yes, baby?' momma asked.

'Aunt Rose, momma and Aunt Alice you are all bridemaids at Seth and Livs wedding. Aunt Alice of course you can help and tomorrow we are dress shopping.' I exclaimed.

'Awh thanks Liv, i will look forward to it.' Aunt Rose smiled hugging her.

'Oooo yay!' Aunt Alice squeaked skipping over to us.

'Awh, thanks Liv! im excited!' Momma said, clapping her hands.

'Oh and they guys will be home tomorrow.' I told momma. For the rest of the night we talked about the wedding and tomorrow shopping. I couldnt wait! it was going to be perfect.

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