23. Crap problems and other catastrhopes

Start from the beginning

However, he could not really concentrate, his thoughts kept wandering to Harry's story about the behavior of his friends. especially as far as the youngest Weasley was concerned, the teacher opened his hair.
From property. If the twins' guess confirms, Ginny Weasley would meet him.
A whimper pulled the Potions Master out of his thoughts.
Harry rolled uneasily in his sleep. he obviously had a nightmare. Severus would probably have to get used to that.
Carefully, he sat down next to his young man and gently stroked his soft hair, where he could not help but hang on to the fluffy ears. This softness was really addictive and besides it seemed to please his kitten. At least if you looked at the reaction. As soon as he had started stroking, the little one began to purr and nestled into the touch, even the nightmare seemed to die down. Shortly thereafter, the beautiful emerald green eyes opened and looked at him sleepily.
"You had a nightmare again. Do you want to tell me what it was about? "
"Fudge," was the only answer, but not the only reaction. Seeking shelter, Harry leaned against his companion and began again to outrank an engine.

After both remained in that position for a while, it was time to set off.
"I wonder what these two chaotics have come up with, so the thing finally does what it's told," Harry said as they headed to the lake, accompanied by Hedwig and Fawkes.
"I have no idea, but because of chaotic, horror twins would suit the two better, especially when I think of some of their inventions."
"But you have to admit that the two are real geniuses in what they do."
"Yes, and that's exactly what has caused me a headache in the past."
Harry just giggled, he just thought his man was funny right now.
"It's nice that I'm not the only student who has this effect with you."
"I have never had a headache with you, but you are certainly responsible for some stomach ulcers. Taking care of yourself is always a challenge. Especially considering what kind of difficulties you always have. "
"Hey, I can not help it, the difficulties always find me, I've never looked for them myself," the boy revolted, and his tail seemed to share this opinion as he swung like a pendulum on speed from left to right.
severus did not succeed in suppressing laughter; in the future, one would be able to look at the little one with every emotion, both on the ears and on the tail.
Harry watched his husband closely.
"You, tell me, the nickname the students gave you ... can it be that you like it? At least it seems to me as if you would do anything to keep it. "
"Which of my many names do you mean? Vampire, torturer, Merlin's revenge on the students? "
the cat-boy began to laugh loudly at the last remark, he did not know it yet.
"No, my bat."
Now it was up to Snape to laugh.
"Oh yes, I like the name, that's one of the reasons why I always run around with a blowing cape."
Harry also smiled, he had always liked these animals, and Severus apparently felt the same way, he was immensely pleased.

During their chatter, the two dungeon dwellers had arrived at the lake, on the banks of which the others had already gathered. to Harry's amazement, Poppy was there too.
The cat-boy went down to the lake to greet Robin, who also came swimming, and tentacularly fiddled with the furry appendages of Gryff. He did not even dwell on the surprised exclamations behind him. slowly his friends should know that Harry understood himself with the magical creatures and animals.
"Hey, catboy, are you coming?"
The boy turned to George, who had just arrived with Fred.
"Only if you stop calling me Catboy."

When everyone gathered around the twins, they started their show as well.
"Well, as our little cat brother obviously has some trouble controlling his body, Fred and I came up with something.
Harry, can you still remember our Transfiguration Drops? "
"If I can remember, are you kidding? Half the Gryffindor Tower quaked, bleated, meowed, and I do not know anything yet. "
Upon the puzzled looks of the teachers and mediators, Hermione explained:
"Fred and George invented drops that turned you into an animal for five minutes."
McGonagall's eyes widened. It had all happened under her nose and she had not noticed it as a tutor, that was embarrassing. Dumbledore, however, seemed to find the idea of ​​a zoo instead of students very funny. As on most others. Severus was interested in something else.
"That's all well and good, but what does that have to do with Harry's tail?"
Now the twins started throwing in that grin that made Molly's hair stand on end.
"Quite simply, we have transformed the effect and also extended the duration."
"In this case, this means nothing else than that after drop enjoyment every user grows a tail, which we do not know, so that remains a surprise. This body part can be moved and the effect lasts for two hours. "
That brought the two astonished looks. unbelievable what these twins were capable of. Luna frowned.
"That's nice, but Harry already has a tail, so how can your invention help him steer?"
Another grin. The two took a deep breath before they roared together.
"Catch the tail !!"
that had a collective question mark to answer.
"Please what?"
"Simple, brother. Each of us, so I guess we do not bring the adults into it, takes a drop and waits for the effect. then we sit up and everyone tries to catch the tail of one of the other players. As a result, you will learn to pay attention to this part of the body and hopefully be able to control it soon. it also has a second advantage, the game promotes the natural hunting instinct of the cat and you get to know your character properties better. "
Now even Severus was baffled, the two had thought of this since this morning? Harry was right, the twins were geniuses, and if that worked, he decided to reward those chaotic in one way or another for their efforts.
Molly took the same approach and she knew exactly how.
After Harry had dropped what he said, he fell around Fred and George's neck.
"You two since awesome, let's try it. Who is taking part?"
Of course, all teenagers were on fire right away, but not just them. Sirius and Tonks also did not want to miss the fun. So the twins diligently distributed their sweets, but before they started, Fred turned to Poppy.
"Since we do not know how much Harry can physically make an effort, we wanted you to tell us soon enough when to stop."
Poppy nodded smiling, yes the two had really thought of everything.
she joined the other adults and watched what would happen next.
Each player, with the exception of Harry, took a drop in his mouth and then the transformation began. There were cat, dog and fox tails. but most of all enjoyed themselves when Ron came out with a peacock tail. And when he also beat a wheel with indignation, it was over, even Severus could not hold back.
"Okay, are you ready? Come on, catch the tail! "
And you saw them all racing wildly together. After a short flight, fawkes and Hedwig had sat down on a tree and watched the game. Wild shouts and curses, mostly about the unfamiliar part of the body, could be heard everywhere.
Remus had turned to Severus in the meantime.
"It's nice to see Harry so exuberant. Hopefully it stays that way."
"That would be desirable, but you know as well as I do that the odds are not really high."
"Yeah, sure, but I'm sure you'll do everything to protect the boy."
"Of course, do not worry about that, nobody will do anything to your puppy, not as long as I'm there."
Both knew that Severus had also mentioned the meaning for Remus in Harry by mentioning the word puppy.
something that showed the werewolf more than anything, how much the ex-spy cared for his partner.
Both were distracted from the game in front of them. Sirius was about to catch Luna's tiger tail when the girl was suddenly lifted into the air. Zwirbel, with one end of his body wrapped around her waist, wrapped his other end around a branch above them. And Schwupps drew the Odradek the Ravenclaw out of the danger zone. Ranting wildly, the Animagus sought another victim.
Ron tried to reach Harry's tail shortly after, but he jumped out of the reach of the other one. However, the cat boy had taken too much momentum, he sailed four feet through the air and was thus directly above the lake. wide-eyed he began to struggle.
Severus, who, of course, knew his partner was terribly afraid of the water, was about to launch a levitation spell on the panic cat. but then Robin shot out of the water and positioned himself right under Harry. Calmed down, he turned and landed elegantly with all four on the back of Kraken.
He stroked his arms gently over his head and brought his light load to shore.
"Thanks, Robin, that was close."
Harry stroked his scaly friend before turning back to the other.
"Man, dude, that was a jump, and it seems you now have the typical fear of water, like all cats. I hope that does not affect your hygiene. "
For the last comment, Severus would have preferred Ron Weasley to the octopus, but he did not want the poor animal to get an upset stomach. Harry, however, reacted very calmly.
"The fear of water has nothing to do with the fact that cats are dirty, but it is simply that, as soon as the coat gets wet, the body temperature also drops. That means I'll probably take a hot shower in the future. "
With that, Harry turned to Luna and the wild game continued.

After another twenty minutes, Poppy stepped in and finished the wild goings-on. The funny thing was that there was still half an hour left, so Harry was not the only one cursing his tag. which had really gained better control over the game.

The rest of the day was spent with dinner and conversation.
Thereafter, some of the Order members said goodbye as they had to leave for missions.
At the end it was agreed that everyone would meet tomorrow to do their school shopping together in Diagon Alley.
After Poppy's daily health check, Harry and Severus made their way to their rooms

Next chapter: 23.02.2019

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