Chapter 12 Wedding Plans Gone South?

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           Four months later, Lucy gets a phone call from her mother!  She sounds terribly upset.  She can not seem to stop the tears.  She sobs even more as she tells Lucy the bad news, "Lucy, your father has been in an accident!"  

         "Wait, what?"  Lucy says into the phone.

       Mrs. Heartfilia, "Your father was in an accident and the doctors say he will never walk again."

       "Whoa, mother this is just horrible."  Lucy says in shock to hear such bad news.  She is really upset.

       Mrs. Heartfilia,  " Lucy, your father and I do not think Natsu is an appropriate person for you to marry."

        Lucy is furious now.    Lucy remarks, "How can you say this about him?   I love him!  We are engaged!" 

         Mrs. Heartfilia, " Tell him that it is a mistake.  Break it off with him! Now!"    

          "I beg  your pardon.  I will not do such a thing."  Lucy says.

         "Oh, and why not?  You know that your father will never bless this union between you and that pink haired, monster!"  Mrs. Heartfilia says.

        "Natsu is not a monster!  He is my best friend, and the love of my life!"  Lucy says.

      " Lucy, you make think he loves you, but ask yourself this if you were not so high in society what would he think of you then?"  Mrs. Heartfilia remarks.

      "Mother, he does not care about such things!  He loves me!" Lucy says.

    "I can not believe you would just disobey us like this young lady."  Mrs. Heartfilia says.

    Lucy responds, "Oh, yeah, well I can not believe you would insult the man I  plan to marry!  How dare you!" 

     Lucy hangs up the phone in tears.  She is hurt.  Hurt that her parents want her to dump the only man who has ever been in love with her and the man she loves in return.  She can not do this to him, or to herself.  She will marry him!  

     Natsu comes over and just enters the place unannounced as usual.  He sees the pain in Lucy's  face.  He wonders what it is that troubles her so much.  He loves her!  He walks over to her and gives her a hug.  He grins at her.

     "Natsu, how much do you love me?"  Lucy ask.

      "Lucy, I love you more than I love myself."  Natsu says.

     "Oh, Natsu!"  Lucy says. She places her head against his chest and cries. 

     "Luce, what is it? "  Natsu says with concern in his voice for his fiance. 

      "It is just that my mother says my father was hurt and can not walk ever again."  Lucy sobs.

     "Luce, I am sorry.  We will get through this, I promise."  Natsu says.  

      "Thanks, you do not know how much it means to me to hear you say so. My parents do not approve of us."  Lucy says.

      "Wait, what?"  Natsu says.

      "My own mother wants us to break up."  Lucy says.

      "What do you want?"  Natsu ask.

      "I want to marry you!  I do!  I love you!"  Lucy says.

     "Good, then marry we shall!"  Natsu says.

      "How about since your folks want to keep us apart, how about we elope?"  Natsu says.

     "Are you serious?"  Lucy says.

     "Yes, I am!  As serious as I am about you, Luce!"  Natsu says.  He cups her face in his hands and kisses her.

       Lucy kisses him back.  She breaks the kiss and says,  "Okay, then!"  

      Natsu calls  Gray to let him know that he and Lucy are about to wed at the courthouse.  Gray ask no questions about the change in plans.  He just agrees to come along and to bring Juvia with him.

     "Gray says, he will come and Juvia will too!"  Natsu says.

    "Good, at least this way we have two witnesses!"  Lucy says.

     "Indeed we do Luce, indeed we do!"  Natsu says.

      Natsu and Lucy leaves her place and goes to the courthouse. They  show the judge the marriage certificate and he just smiles. He nods his head a bit too.

     Gray and Juvia arrive soon after them, along with Levy and Gajeel.  

     The judge tells the couple where to stand.  Natsu and Lucy does as he says while the others watch as the only witnesses to the small private event.  Natsu and Lucy repeat the vows one after the other!  They exchange rings, then the judge tells Natsu to kiss his bride.  He does as he is told.  The others cheer them on as their friends are rather happy for them!

      Now the ceremony for Lucy and Natsu is over, everyone stays there for the next one.  Next, Gajeel and Levy stand in the places Lucy and Natsu were in before as the others witness their elopement.  Once Levy and Gajeel are wed, the others cheer them on and clap even more when Gajeel kisses Levy on the lips.  Levy blushes, but kisses him back.

       The others go their separate ways.  

       Natsu and Lucy decide his place is the best one for them to live in as it is bigger than the place Lucy currently stays in.  With that in mind they head to her place, so she can pack her things.  Lucy packs her shoes, her towels, washcloths, toothbrush and toothpaste, her hairbrush, blow dryer and  makeup bag inside a huge suitcase.  

     Then, she adds in her favorite sweaters, a few skirts, some shirts, three dresses, a slip, some socks, pjamas and more inside the same bag.  When she finishes, she grabs her purse and heads out the door with both it and the other bag.  She puts them in the truck to her husband's car.  She smiles at the thought.  She goes back inside her place again.  She gets out two duffel bags.  In these she packs her diary, some books, a notebook, some ink pens, a doodle pad, her small lamp,and her inhaler. She has a bit of an asthma problem which rarely acts up.  It does hurt to have the inhaler just in case though.  She also packs her pillow, a few throw blankets, her robe which she forgot to pack before, and her curling iron.  

    "Lucy is that all you need? "  Natsu calls out as he helps her carry the duffel bags to his vehicle.

   Lucy nods her head as she thinks, for the moment, yes.  Once at his car again, they add these two bags to the trunk.  Lucy locks the door to the apartment and they head over to his place. Once there, he parks the car, gets out, opens the door for her, and unloads her things from the trunk. They carry all the bags inside. 

      Natsu puts them all in his room.  He figures he may as well now that they are husband and wife.  He smiles at the thought.  He hears his stomach growl.  He recalls how he forgot to eat lunch earlier since he was so excited about the wedding, or rather elopement earlier that day.

    "Natsu you hungry?"  Lucy ask.

    "Yes, what about you, sweetheart?"  Natsu ask.

    "Yes, I sure am!"  Lucy says.

    to be continued in Chapter 13  Nastu and Lucy's  Dinner out?

Lucy and Natsu's  Love Story (AU)  *A Fairy Tail Fan fiction*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now