Chapter 7 The Silent Treatment

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      Natsu sees Lucy the next day.  He does not say a word to her.  He just ignores her!

      Lucy notices and is upset.  She can't seem to understand why he behaves so childish!  

  "Natsu?  Natsu?"  Lucy says.

   Natsu just keeps on with such much as a word,nor a glance in her direction.

    "Fine, you don't  speak to me!  Then, two can play at this game!  I will not say another word to you either, so there!"  Lucy says.  She stomps off.  She can't believe he will at least say something.  She has no idea what it is that makes him behave this way.

    Gray  sees Lucy walk off angry. He shakes his head and laughs under his breath at the craziness of it all.  He thinks, both Natsu and Lucy are being plain silly. Why the very idea of their not speaking to each other is plain immature.

    "Natsu?"  Gray says.

  "What do you want?"  Natsu says.

   "I want to know what is with you, lately?"  Gray says.

   "I am sure I have no idea what you are talking about, Gray!"  Natsu says.

    "Come on just tell us already!"  Juvia says.

  "Yeah, why you acting like this?"  Levy ask.

   "This is unlike you!"  Happy says.

    "Snap out of it!"  Ezra says.

   " Lucy comes by and tries to talk to you, but you ignore her!"  Gray says.

   "So,what?  What I do with my own time is my business!"  Natsu says.

  "Are we suppose to just sit and let you treat Lucy this way?"  Happy says.

  "Why should you all care how  I treat her?"  Natsu says. He slams his fist down hard and breaks the table.

   "Great, why did you go and break the table?  I just got it repaired recently!"  Mira Jane says.

   " Natsu, I honestly do not know why Lucy puts up with you!" Happy says.

   "Here,here!  I agree with Happy!"  Levy says.

  "Why are you taking her side?"  Natsu says.

  "We are taking any side. We just want you to see how much you hurt her!" Ezra says.

   " What?  I could not have hurt her. She is the one who hurt me!"  Natsu says.

    "Explain, right now?"  Happy says.

    "What is there to explain?  She is with Loke now!" Natsu says.

     "Oh, so this is why you give her the silent treatment?"  Juvia says.

     " Yes, so go away!"  Natsu says rather grumpy like.

    " Natsu, did you ask her if she was Loke's girlfriend?"  Mira Jane ask.

   "No, but it is clear by how happy she is with him that they are together!"  Natsu says.

    "Natsu, don't be so quick to assume the worse man!" Gray says.

   "Well, if the tables were to turn and Juvia acted the way around Loke that Lucy does now, wouldn't you think she was secretly seeing him?"  Natsu says.

    "Yes, but I don't think she would ever do this."  Gray says.

    "Gray is right, I would never do that because I love Gray!  Gray is the one for me!" Juvia says.  She kisses him and Gray blushes.

    "I can see that!" Natsu says. 

   "Well, I still think you ought to ask her if she is really with Loke, or not!"  Mira Jane says.

   "Thanks for the advice, but I don't need your help!  I don't need anyones help!  This is between me and Lucy!"  Natsu says. He gets up and walks away in the same bad mood he was in when he sat down.

    "Oh, dear!  I wish there was some way we could get him to see that Lucy is hurt by his silly behavior!"  Levy says.

  "Same here, but I afraid that is something he will have to figure out on his own." Ezra says.

  "Yes, perhaps you are right!"  Juvia says and leaves with Gray.

      Meanwhile, Lucy walks around in circles. She is not sure what to make of the whole thing. She can not seem to understand why Natsu is so rude to her. She thinks, I thought he knew how important we were to each other.  I guess I thought wrong. She sighs. 

     Lucy's  POV:  Natsu, I only came to try to explain what took place last night. Only you would not speak to me, or look at me.  I am sorry, Natsu!  I don't want to you hate me.  I  only did what I did to make you jealous because I love you, but I am not sure how to tell you!  I mean you seem so upset that even know I shall  probably become an old maid before I truly find out what you think of me.  Well, anyway, I suppose the whole silent treatment thing will blow over in a few days, or at least I sure hope so anyway.  If not what am I to do?  I want you to talk to me!  Please, if you love someone else, I rather hear if from you than from some one else.  

   Natsu's  POV:  I can't believe it. Everyone else seems to think Lucy is hurt by attitude towards her.  How could she be?  Why should be hurt, or sad?  I mean it was me who saw her with Loke the other day.  It is not as if I went out and found a new girl to call my own.  I could never do that no matter what she does or doesn't do to me.  I love her to much to date some one else.  I can't ever be happy with some other girl.  Lucy, why him?  Why Loke?  What does he have that I don't?  Is it his mustache?  You know I could always grow one if that is all it is.  Somehow, I don't think that is it though. No there must be some other reason, something even I don't see that makes you feel drawn to him.  It disgust me to think, that Loke has won you over so easily!  I mean I thought you were different than all those others girls.  Could it be, that all this time I was blind to the reality that you love Loke, and not me?   Is that it?  Is this way, you couldn't tell me the name of your crush?  Is it because you were worried I would not approve, or that I would try to have a battle with him to try to win your heart?   I must say that the thought had crossed my mind. Only, I rather not because if you love him than you would only love him more if I did cause harm to him.  I  will not stand in your way if this is the case.  I only wish I knew what is you see in him?  I mean, he just a big flirt, for the love of Pete!   I give you the silent treatment because all this is way to much for me to handle.  How am I to deal with you being with Loke?  What if some day he proposes to you, and you say yes?  Then, what?  Would you really invite me to your wedding?  If so, then I would not attend, because it would impossible not to protest the wedding.  I  can't stand to see you by his side now let alone in the future with a lovely gown, a veil and a happy face for him.  Ugh, don't you see how this tortures me, Luce?   

  Natsu's POV: The silent treatment may be immature, but don't worry it will last forever. I will talk to you eventually, when I do I expect you will think it is nice.  I also, believe you will wonder why I was so hateful towards you and your man?   Good grief, even now I think of Loke as yours!  Ugh!  What am I to do with such thoughts?  What am I to do my dear , Lucy?

   to be continued in Chapter 8   Loke Flirts with Lisanna?  

Lucy and Natsu's  Love Story (AU)  *A Fairy Tail Fan fiction*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now