twenty eight

208 19 6

the ocean was incredibly breathtaking.
yoongi couldn't care less though, he was way too pissed to even comprehend any rational thought.
he was enraged as he watched his favorite merman run away from him after giving such an open-ended speech he didn't know how to interpret.
yoongi felt all his emotions boil up, trodding toward what previously was seokjin and jungkooks room, it was undeniably hard not to explode when he pushed the door open and saw a pitiful jungkook on the floor.
namjoon and hoseok hadn't seen seokjin run off, but the stomps yoongi was taking meant something had happened, so they followed him worriedly.
they surely didn't expect to see jungkook with his head in his arms on the floor, whimpers releasing from his mouth, and chest heaving up and down rapidly. the room was trashed, papers tore off his desk, some even ripped, and shards of glass coating the floor.
it didn't matter though at the moment that jungkook's knuckle was bleeding from punching the wall, or that some of their saved treasure had been broken.
all that mattered was seokjin.
yoongi kicked glass out of his path to grab jungkook by the collar and pull him up, startling every one when he yelled,
"what the hell did you do to seokjin?"
namjoon and hoseok didn't understand, what happened with seokjin?
why was jungkook in such a horrible state?
"he left me."
"what did you just say?"
"he left me, yoon."
namjoon couldn't listen to this, he didn't understand, where is their new addition, their best friend, their family?
yoongi couldn't figure out why seokjin would leave, its not like he had reason to, right?
"what the hell do you mean he left, jungkook?
you better have a damn great reason for seokjin telling me how much he loves us, and that if i did actually love him back, not to follow him.
what the hell is that supposed to mean?
just where did he go?"
hoseok cocked his head to the side, unsuprised that he was tearing up, but shocked that as yoongi spoke his lip trembled and his voice wavered.
"jungkookie, can you explain what happened please?"
jungkook sorrowfully provided a small recap of the moments he wished were a nightmare, from when seokjin told him, to his reaction, to seokjin's words before he turned his back on him.
they were all teary eyed and had sunk to the floor alongside jungkook as he sniffled through his speech, in despair over how this could have occured.
namjoon couldn't help but look down upon jungkook once everything was unveiled, pure disappointment filling his heart.
this was not how they raised him.
the first to get up, hoseok revealed what they all were thinking,
"if he doesn't want us to go after him, then we won't.
but i hope you never forget the day you let the one person who has looked past all your flaws and loved you in a way beyond what we are capable of walk away from you.
i am incredibly disappointed with you right now, you've done us all a disservice."
he starts walking out the door, the tension of the room becoming unbearable,
"i hope you regret what you've done with every fiber of your life."
namjoon and yoongi link hands as they sauntered behind, each other being the only support they need at the moment.
alone again, for hours this time, jungkook sat on the floor and replayed the events in his head like a mantra he had to repeat perfectly or else everything would be messed up.
and when his mind rewinded a little too far to the day before he noticed that he hadn't seen his love as a merman for quite a bit.
it was nearing dusk, but he jumped up at the sudden realisation.
if seokjin hadn't transformed, what'll happen if he does during his date?
surely seeing a merman would spook someone, especially if they were supposed to be extinct.
it was certainly a long shot, assuming jin had gone on the date and not just swam away, but jungkook knew jin, and he wasn't like that.
keeping the sliver of hope in his mind he bolted out, attracting the attention of the men he couldn't face knowing their disappointment in him.
they were all huddled together cuddling, watching silently as jungkook raced around the boat to gather what seemed to be a pocketknife and a dark, shimmering, navy cloak.
the darkness of the sky above he ignored, focusing solely on the brightness of the stars in hopes they somehow could guide him to the love of his life.
one last look up and a silent prayer to whoever happened to be up above, jungkook took off toward the dock, stalling only because yoongi had called out to him.
"jungkook, where are you going?"
it only lasted a second, but the jungkook they once knew was gone, and another was staring at them cracking the largest cheeky smile they've witnessed.
"to get him back."
and with that he was off, leaving a dumbstruck trio behind in each other's arms.
"that's what love does to a person.
anyways, if jungkook found a way, then what are we waiting for?
let's go get our seokjinie back!"

ocean boy and land manTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon