authors note

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ok so i will tell this to you(whoever found themselves here) now i am definitely not a writer. this is just a fun thing to do in my free time which i don't have much of as of late now that i started junior year and have 4 AP classes. i wrote like one chapter during a road trip a few days ago and was like this will be a fun thing to write so i wrote a little more and want to publish it so if even no one else reads it i can read it. but since this is a little fun activity i will write it the way i see fit and here are those ways

1. i will not use capital letters literally ever

2. the chapters are short and i don't know how much i plan to write all together

3. i will use the same starting sentence every single chapter

4. i update when i have time and will probably never have a schedule so sorry if i go ghost lol

5. this is a jinkook fanfic and i will not write smut

6. i love love love people and friends and complimenting people so if you ever want recommend me stuff and i will probably shower you with love and i hope that if you like this then you do the same because i also love affection and attention

hahhahahaha i hope someone reads this so i don't sound crazy

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