twenty two

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the ocean was incredibly breathtaking.
having all eyes on him after his rant, not only left him speechless but breathless too.
seokjin had trouble holding back a grin as he held eye contact with jungkook, who looked unreal, absurdly too handsome for his own good.
jungkook, after too long an unplanned staring contest beckoned all three men below to join them on the top deck, all who followed without second thought, heavily persuaded by the rumbling of stomachs and the crave to eat something fresh, unlike the remaining fruits and fish they had picked from jin's island.
it was only once they had all sat down at a round table near the stern did jungkook speak up, excited to reveal his purchase to the man he hoped to please.
i picked up something at the market specifically for you to try, so i was wondering if you perhaps want to try it now?"
a slight stutter could be heard, nervous jin wouldn't like it, but he had hope, the man had seemed so confident that jin would like it so he had to be too. "that is so sweet kookie, thank you so much!
if you picked it out for me it must be great so of course i'll try it."
jin blushed, feeling shy after being stuck in the center of attention once again.
although part of it, which for the time being seokjin swore to keep to himself, he was very moved by jungkook's act and insanely happy to have had even crossed his mind.
"hey kook, why did you buy something for only seokjin!
i thought we were your friends too man!"

ompletely disregarding hoseok's words jungkook reached down and picked up the last bag he had, pulling out the holy grail of sea food- a large, bright red, delicious looking lobster.
"you want me to eat THAT?
i've seen them in the ocean and they're so cute i couldn't possibly...although with how hungry i am it is looking kind of tasty, but it feels wrong kookie."
jin pulled the now plated lobster towards him and inhaled a whiff, which wasn't the best way to convince him to eat it, but then seeing jungkook's face eyeing his every move he felt obligated.
so he snapped off the fellow sea creatures leg, and dug right in.
unbeknownst to him, upon biting, a string of moans had strung out past his lips to the ears of all four men, one of them being hit strikingly hard by the sound in the groin.
the man who had sold it to him, knew exactly what he was doing, and oh boy was it executed beautifully.
if this is how he sounds completely sober, the men could not wait to see what he was like drunk and dancing on land at the festival planned for the night.
jungkook believed he might die waiting for nightfall.

not that long but be ready for next chapter bc i'm hoping a lot is gonna go down and last night ya girl had her rescheduled formal which was cancelled due to air quality as i live in cali and i was getting turnt with my friends and we had dinner at a really fancy place and one of my friends tripped in front of a lot of old people and then we got ice cream after at like 12am and everything was fun and today my goal is to read a 400 pg book in one day so i can start my assignment on it and yea thats my life as of 11am on sunday but enjoy your day and your life and do what you want always <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

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