twenty four

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the ocean was incredibly breathtaking.
the view seen from the island was also compellingly captivating.
kim seokjin stood under the bright yellow sun on their new and improved ship they called adora.
yes, standing, in the daytime, on his own two legs.
a year and a half had now passed, jin being only a few months away from being the ripe age of twenty one.
in this time he had learned that he is now able to control his transformation.
all good things did come with bad side effects and seokjin had learnt that the hard way.
although the power to change his form between golden tails and tanned legs resting in his unique hands, if he doesn't transform at least once a day, a flash of pain will erupt throughout him until he does.
the first incident happened when they were searching for an ancient glass rose, ruby red in color, and not only did seokjin forget to transform, he forgot to sleep, so imagine the reactions when a sleep deprived and frustrated seokjin burst into unimaginable pain.
everyone was incredibly confused, but jungkook immediately coddled him, and the trio pestered jin with curious questions through his screams.
it was only when jin broke free from jungkook's caring clutch and dived full force, arms stretched, and turned the second even a drop of water touched his body.
that had been the first time.
it took jin about a month to
fully understand what it meant for him.
it enabled him to go on adventures with his favorite treasure hunters, instead of someone stuck supervising him, and now he was practically bustling with great memories in just the short time he had spent together with these men.
however, as its been said, you can't have too much good without a little bad.

its real short but guess whos on winter break for 3 weeks and ready to write? its ya girl lex luther and i plan to end this by chapter 30 so i can work on other stories i have planned out, one of which im uploading the chapter at the same time as this hope u enjoy + take care of yourself + merry early christmas !!💓

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