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the ocean was incredibly breathtaking.
for jin the view he was seeing was just as spectacular.
seokjin had his tail so there wasn't much he could do, but dive in the water, yet if he did that he was unsure if he would have a way up.
so he waited, slowly passing time by counting the waves that passed by, using his limited knowledge to calculate the probability of waves crashing high or low.
seokjin was so lost in his mind at that moment, enjoying the peace, yet at the same time comfortable because he knew he wasn't all alone anymore.
at the perfect time yoongi turned a corner to the back of the ship where the hammock supporting jin was hidden yet still fit for jin to be able to dive into the water, and reintroduced himself to the merman.
"sorry if i came too late, i was supposed to be watching you, but i fell asleep for a few minutes.
i know we have known each other for less than a week, though we've cried and laughed together, i haven't had much opportunity to talk to you without jungkook's jealous being looming in the area 24/7.
so let me introduce myself.
im min yoongi, a 23 year old man who got dragged along with three crazy personalities across the country.
and you are?"
jin found this hilarious, knowing how chaotic even one of the hunters can be compared to yoongi, so when imagining yoongi pulled in three different directions by the demands of the younger three it made him smile.
he liked yoongi, from what he could tell, the man was composed and rational, leaving room for a joke here or there.
there was also something else jin noticed.
perhaps it was just speculation, but seokjin could have sworn that he has caught yoongi glancing at namjoon a little longer than reasonable multiple times when the younger male wasn't paying attention.
"i'm kim seokjin. i'm a 19 year old merman who was wildly convinced to also be dragged away from the only area i've ever known and join four intriguing treasure hunters."
yoongi shared his gummy smile at this, the witty charm of the merman being a very appealing quality.
"now that we know each other pretty well if i dare say, may i ask where everyone else has dispersed to?"
jin questioned, not used to the quiet.
"they have left the docks and are on the island in search of both breakfast and a new mission."
a relaxing silence set in between the two, yoongi noticing the desperate glances jin was taking towards the ocean.
does he want to swim?
'wait yoongi he's literally in mermaid form of course he probably wants to swim!'
yoongi's mind pondered, awkwardly asking,
"do you want to go swimming?"
not missing a beat jin professed,
"yes i really do.
can i?"
"of course jin, why are you even asking?"
"i'm scared once i get guys will realize you're better off without me and won't want me to come back."
the merman struggled revealing this, turning his back to yoongi, until he released a shriek after being scooped up into the other mans arms, throwing his own around the others neck.
they weren't as bulky as jungkook's, but he felt extremely safe and loved in them.
"how would you feel if i stayed where you can see me, so you know i'm not going to leave you, and you can enjoy swimming like a mermaid should.
i promise i won't abandon you jin, do you trust me?"
nodding his head against the mans chest, jin rubbed yoongi's shoulder affectionately as they climbed down toward the open water.
jin was set down on the ground in a sitting position, and with encouragement from yoongi dived into the blissful ocean, the feeling completely exhilarating, speeding through schools of fish and the odd starfish catching his attention, jin felt happier than he'd ever been, excited for his first night on fresh land that was approaching.

bet y'all didn't expect a 2nd update so suprise beautiful people but now i gotta sleep💤
(im so tired i'll edit this later so just kinda ignore my mistakes pls)

ocean boy and land manWhere stories live. Discover now