twenty seven

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the ocean was incredibly breathtaking.
taehyung too, time and time again this evening lost his breath looking at the pretty prey in front of him.
a single look, a tiny grin, a cute gesture, all nearly throwing taehyung off his path.
yet, time and time after he was utterly and completely captivated by the male, the bands of cash that waved themselves in the back of his head broke him out of the vicious, neverending cycle.
currently, they were at a high class, luxurious open restaurant, white fairy lights creating a soothing atmosphere.
then how come it was so hard to talk?
sure, the illegal trader had cracked jokes, thus illiciting a response, but it was too eerily quiet.
chatter from other customers barely registering in either of their brains.
taehyung knew it would be darkening soon, so he couldn't let time pass like this and open up a path for jin to escape.
raking his brain for any possible topic, he thought back to the men the beauty had been with earlier while seokjin sat across him amiss.
he deemed it a good enough topic to bring up, but the outcome wasn't one of expectancy.
"who were the men that accompanied you previously?"
to which seokjin erupted into tears, the salty liquid pouring out to his dismay.
jin had no control over his tears and taehyung had no clue what just happened, a small grin slipping on his face, unnoticed by the delicacy in front of him.
"bad topic?"
even drenched with tears seokjin still looked as if he had relations with the gods above, and the moment he gazed at taehyung and stuttered out,
"i-its not-nothing!
they are- were some of my friends, but it doesn't matter now."
taehyung found the urge somewhere in his black heart to coddle the boy.
"you're not obligated to share anything, but why don't you just join me for a nice walk?
i apologize if i hit a nerve."
taehyung called for the bill as seokjin dried his tears, leaving as soon as they paid down a cobblestone path leading to who knows where.
side by side, steps in tune with one another, the sun setting slowly behind them, seokjin spoke first.
"um, i'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted.
i appreciate that you think i'm beautiful, but honestly there is someone else i'd rather be with right now."
seokjin bowed low and whispered another small apology, head filled with the thoughts of how he seems to be letting everyone down today.
they had walked far down the path to where it could be considered isolated, perfect for taehyung to put his plan in to effect.
he'd been analyzing the boy all night, and now being somewhat familiar with his personality, such an action was certainly expected.
almost as if it was planned.
and seokjin had fallen right into his trap.
taehyung used his palm to lift the beauty's head, the tight grip on his jaw once his head was raised should've been a warning sign for seokjin to run, as well as the deep empty chuckle from the man, and his scarily wide grin.
"well i hope you've said your goodbyes then babe, because this is the last time you'll ever see them."
seokjin didn't have enough time to process the weight of the mans words before his eyes were fogging up and the last thing he felt was the feeling of a rag being pressed over his mouth.
the last thing he heard though, was not one, but two laughs, making it hard for the near unconscious seokjin to understand just what the hell he had gotten himself into.

i'm back maybe! the play i've been rehearsing for for weeks is finishing this week and then i'll only have track to do and i will stop slacking off bc i have like 6 more books planned! love u all so much and i missed all of u so i'm uploading 2 chapters i've had written but the final 3 will take me a little bit longer💓💓

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