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This repeating seesaw game

You let go of Yoongi and he enters the home, dropping his luggage. You hear Somin gasp before looking at her and Yoonae

Yoonae had a bewildered look on her face. She runs to your leg and hugs it as you turn back to Yoongi, seeing him tear up

"Is that my Yoo-Yoo?" He asks in a higher pitched voice and you begin to laugh. You pick Yoonae up and she hides her face in your neck

"Yoonae, this is your dad!" You say and she turns quickly and stares at him

"Daddy?" She says and you both nod. You see her immediately make grabbing hands towards him and he picks her up

"Oh my angel! I wanted to see you so bad. You're gorgeous" He says as she hugs him

She giggles as he kisses all over her face. You hear a recording stop and turn to see Somin with her phone out. "I wanted to capture the moment. Welcome back, Yoongi- WAIT MY HUSBANDS HOME?!" She says before shrieking

"Yeah I'm back" Suddenly, Hoseok appears behind Yoongi and you see Somin begin sobbing before rushing to him. Hoseok makes a loud excited yell before putting his hands and picking her up. You pat Yoonae's hand and looks up and at Hoseok now, confused. "This is Hobi uncle" He waves at her while still holding the clingy Somin.

"Do you two want to sit down? I can make something to drink" You say but Somin shakes her head

"No way, sis. You wont be seeing us for a few days" She winks at you as Hoseok puts her down. Somin walks up to Yoonae and quickly gives her a wave. "Bye baby! I'll see you later!" Yoonae waves back and the two leave

You drag Yoongi to the couch and bring him a glass of juice which he downs quickly. Yoonae grabs at his hair feeling it's spike due the shave. "He's handsome, isn't he?" You say and she nods quickly and replies with a "Yeah!"

Yoongi smiles and pinches her cheek. "She looks so much like you. Look at the cheeks! And these beautiful eyes!" He says, kissing her cheeks making her laugh again

"But she definitely has your smile and nose. Smile for daddy, Yoo!" You say and you show him her gums and the teeth that has grown

The day goes on and the night quickly comes. You go into the bedroom and change into your pajamas and a set of lingerie you had saved for when Yoongi came back

You hear Yoongi and Yoonae giggling in the background as he gives her a bath in her room. You finish getting changed and taking a quick bath of your own and enter Yoonae's bedroom, seeing Yoonae laying on her bed tucked in while Yoongi now sits on a baby chair, reading her Cinderella

"And they lived happily ever after. The end! Yay!" He says and she laughs with her gummy smile and replies with a "yay!"

"You two having fun?" You say before entering and Yoonae nods. Yoongi groans and he gets up and quickly kisses her forehead. "Goodnight Yoo. I'll see you in the morning" He says and she nods and yawns sleepily before closing her eyes

You kiss her head too and close the door. You look up at Yoongi and he smiles "You did amazing in raising her. She's so amazing...you're amazing" He says, giving you a long kiss

"I have a surprise for you" You say, pulling away and he smirks "Oh?" He picks you up and you squeal quietly "Yoongi!" You hit his arm and he chuckles

Slightly mature

He walks you both into the bedroom and drops you on the bed. He begins kissing you and feeling down your arms before pulling off his shirt and pants. You flip him over and grind into him and you both moan

He pulls over your pajama dress and gropes your butt, pushing you more. He flips you both over again and gets up and stares at you "You're so beautiful. I missed you" He says before kissing your neck

"I missed you too"


It had been a year since Yoongi returned. Bts had comeback as a group again and gone on a korea tour for a month

Yoonae was 3 and loved watching her dad on TV and on the phone. She had developed a better vocabulary and slightly understood Yoongi's job better

Yoongi came home today and the group would spend the next few months working on music giving you both time to be a family

You fixed a meal for dinner while Yoonae played with her blocks. You heard the door shut and a loud "I'm home!"

"Daddy!" Yoonae shouts before jumping on Yoongi as he enters the kitchen. "How was the tour, babe?" You ask as you wash your hands after finishing cooking

"Great! Army really enjoyed it. We had fun too. I even got a few questions about you guys" He says, before kissing your cheek

"A few of them even told me they loved your Instagram posts of Yoonae" You smile at that and put plates out

"That's amazing! I'm glad you had fun!" You say finishing the set up. "Let's all go out after this. I have a surprise for you both!" He say while smiling and you nod. He sits Yoonae down on her high chair and you put some food out for her

Once you were all done, Yoongi drove you and Yoonae to a secret location but he insisted on you being blindfolded. You felt the car stop and Yoongi exit and open Yoonae out of her seat from her side. He finally opens your side and pulls your hand

He walks you over somewhere and finally unties your blindfold and you see a house. A much much bigger house

"What is this? Who lives here?" You ask and he holds out keys in front of you

"Ours" He smiles and picks Yoonae up.  "I think it's time for an upgrade. Our house right now doesn't have enough rooms for more kids so we-" He says and you choke

"More kids?! How many? This house is huge! We could have a football team live here" You say and he laughs and hugs you. "Maybe we should have a football team then. A team of our kids" You laugh and walk up to the house

"In your dream, Yoongi. Maybe another 1, but you can't convince me otherwise" He sighs, accepting hus defeat and shows you the new housr before opening the backyard to a beautiful pool, patio and rose path

"What? Why is there roses?" You ask and Yoongi pulls you to the center of a big heart made of rose petals and candles

He gives you Yoonae and gets down on one knee and you begin tearing up. "My love, we have had a crazy relationship full of ups and downs. No matter how stupid I was, you still out up with me and stayed. This repeating seesaw game that we speak of has been the greatest gift and so I ask you. Will you marry me?"

You wipe your tears and nod. "Yes! I will!" He puts the ring on and hugs you. "I love you both so much" He says and you kiss him

"I love you both too" You smile at them

Hoseok and Somin went on to have an adorable son

The rest of the members all got married and had children of their own. They visited frequently with their families

You and Yoongi ended up having a son ,Yoonbin, a year after your wedding, and later twins; a girl ,Yoona, and boy, Yoonseok. (A lot of Yoons) but not a football team although that was quite a few children and you and Yoongi were happy

And that was the story of Y/N and Yoongi and their crazy love that resembled a seesaw

The End

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