Chapter 20

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Let’s not drag things out, however our hearts lead us to

"Somin! How's the planning going?" You ask while bringing her a cup of juice

She had decided to visit you for the first time since her honeymoon break with Hobi

"Good! I have a few questions and we can have it in a month!" She says, excited

"Wow! Great job! Remember not too many people. Only my mom and dad as well as you guys" You say, leaving the glass on the table

"What about Yoongi's mom?" She asks and you frown  "I don't think she wants to come. She's way too upset at him right now" Somin frowns as well, giving you a pat

"I think she'd be angrier if you didn't invite her" She chuckles slightly

"Okay, but don't tell Yoongi! He'll be furious. There's no other way I can get them together" You sigh and send Yoongi's mom a text of the invite

You and Somin spend the evening planning out the theme and decorations for the baby shower

"If you're 6 months already, will you find out the gender soon?" Somin asks and you smile

"Yeah we could, but Yoongi and I decided to have the gender be a surprise. I mean I'm team girl and he's team boy" You chuckle

"Same with Hobi and I. I think it's a girl and he's team boy." You both laugh

You pat your stomach and reply "As long as they're healthy, I'll be the happiest mom alive. I've always wanted a girl but boys are just as precious"

The fateful day finally arrives. You walk around the house searching for the car keys while Yoongi rushes behind you asking you to fix the blue tie he has in his hand

"I swear to god Yoons! I need to buy you a key finder. You always lose them" You say, picking the couch pillow looking under

"Aha!" You pick the keys up and place them in your purse before finally stopping in front of your fiance

He pouts, pushing the ties into your hands and you lean up to kiss his cheek because of his cuteness. "Thank you for waiting"

You fix his tie and shirt and walk up to the shoe rack to pick up your heals and his shoes, but he stops you from kneeling down and picks it himself

"Angel, what did I say about leaning down?" He scolds you and you sigh "Yoongi, I'm not disabled! I'm only 7 months pregnant. What are you gonna do when I'm full term?" He smiles at that and picks you up

You squeal as his spins you around, bridal style. "I'll pick you up everyday and take you where you want" He kisses you before putting you down and you both leave

You see the beautiful decorations all around the cottage you had booked for the party upon arrival. Somin and the other members bring out chairs and food as Yoongi pulls into the driveway

You get out the door, fixing the pink maternity dress you wore as Yoongi parked the car. You go up to Somin and hug her before trying to pick up a tray of snacks before being stopped

"Nopeeeeee! No touching missy! Today is a relaxation day for you" Taehyung says

"Let us handle everything while you sit on the throne we bought for you" Jimin shows you as you get taken away and put into a large throne looking chair

You sit back watching everything unfold before seeing your father's familiar car pull in

"Dad! Mom! You're here. How was the drive?" You say, excitedly before being helped up by Yoongi. You both walk together hugging your parents

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