Chapter 6

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Was the petty arguments the start of it?

Min Yoongi:
Are you ready?? I'll be there in a few 😘

You cringed at the emoji but your heart still raced at the thought of him coming back, even if you didn't want it to

What could you say? Even if you were extremely broken by him, he would always be the one you loved first and there would always be a few moments where you wanted him

But he wasn't worth your love so you decided that no matter what, you wouldn't succumb to his forgiveness or excuses

You had worn the most simplest dress you had not wanting for him to stare at you. You knew that sounded cocky but you also knew Min Yoongi

And he had the dirtiest mind

You could be sick, wearing pajamas and he would find it sexy

You grabbed your purse and sketchbook, walking to your living room

Seconds later your heard a doorbell and still sat on your couch

You heard another before finally getting up

Don't want to make it seem like you had waited all night for this 'date'

You opened the door seeing him

"Hey- wow..." He bit his lip staring at you

"Can we just go to bedroom for our talk?" He asks with his cute eyes while smiling

"Haha very funny. Let's go"

You locked your door walking down the driveway and entering his car. You would've driven yourself if Somin hadn't come and taken your car for an

You knew she was probably making out with Hoseok at his house while your precious car sat outside in the burning sun

He starts the engine, turning on the music and smiles at you

It was your song

No not the song you sang. The one that the both of you loved

We don't talk anymore by Charlie Puss (lmao jkjk im sorry i had to) Puth*

You both loved it so much, Jungkook and Jimin created a cover for the your anniversary

The song was now really relatable but you didn't care

You leaned forward and turned off the radio smiling back

"Drive. I have to work in an hour"

You can see him stare at you through the corner of your eyes but you still look forward

He sighs pulling out of the driveway and drives off

You feel awkward as the silence grows quieter and quieter

"So do you want to start talking now?" He asks looking at you

"Keep your eyes on the road. And sure why not. Faster I can leave" You say in a monotone voice

"Alright I'll start. But first a question"

"Yea go ahead"

"Was the petty arguments the start of it?"

"Yoongi, couples always fight. There's more to this and we both know it"

"I heard you that day"
He tells you out of nowhere

You look at him in confusion "What day?"

"You know your birthday....I came over with a cake and you were on the phone"

You remember the day and realize he must've been hurt hearing what you said

You should've understood his work was important to him but your emotional self immediately began crying when he didn't even wish you a happy birthday

"I..didn't know" You looked down

"Jimin got hurt that day. I- I tried to come home but we've always said that we'd never leave if someone got hurt. But as soon as i knew he was okay, I ran home with your cake" He says his voice breaking

You see tears drop onto your arms as you hugged yourself

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know. I- I should've asked you and understood" You sob as you apologize

You thought your eyes had no tears left to cry but you were wrong

You felt him park the car and caress your cheek

"It's okay. Now what did i do?" He asks looking at you with tears staining his cheeks

You push his hand away

He thought you were crying because you felt bad. You weren't

Although you apologized, you cried because you remembered the love you had for him

That you may still have for him

You wiped your eyes and stared blankly at him

"Huh. Seems you forgot that you dated another woman while we were together. How could you? I loved you so much, Yoongi. I thought we'd get married, have kids and live together till we grew old. But no. I wasn't enough. You needed some other bitch to spend your money on"

You yelled and yelled in frustration

"Wait let me explai-"

"NO! What for you to say you're sorry and you want me back? For you to say it was a mistake? Cause i don't want to hear that. I don't need your bullshit Min Yoongi. YOU'RE DISGUSTING-"

"I DIDN'T WANT TO!" He yells louder than you've heard before

You looked at him now noticing his expression. He seemed more desperate and frustrated than you had ever seen


"I didn't want to! The company made me. My mom did too. I wouldn't have done it if it was just the company but my mom told me to. Minnie was her friend's daughter. She liked me. The company was paid well atleast a manager was"

You stared at him as he explained still crying

"Bang PD didn't know. But when the manager released the scandal, he told me to go on until he could find a solution. I knew you hated me so I decided to just leave you alone"

"What do you mean 'hate you'? Are you dumb? I love you so freaking much. Loved I mean. I've lost those feelings a while ago"

You check the time realizing another appointment was waiting for you

"I'm sorry we didn't get coffee. But I forgive you. I hope you forgive me too. I think we can overcome this and finally get over the pain...... I have to go. I- I'll see you later"

You hold both your hands together looking at him before taking off your seatbelt and walking to the bus stop

He drives up "Do you want a ride?"

"No it's okay. I need some fresh air"

And he watched as you got on the bus

"I'll wait. As long as I know you're still here, I'll wait"

He sighs for what seems like the 50th time and drives down the road back home

Although he knew his only home was in your arms

To Be Continued

I know I don't have many readers for this ff but I'm still gonna continue it. Until it's finished and I'm satisfied

So thanks to the 1 reader that still reads this book every week! 💕

It means a lot

- TM 💕

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