Chapter 11

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Saying this was love and this is love?

It was 2 weeks until Hoseok and Somin's wedding. The entire kpop industry was awaiting to see how gorgeous the wedding would be. Everyone knew your creations were some of the best and since the wedding dress would be one of yours, everyone waited patiently for the unveiling

Although Hoseok was one of the richest men due to his career, he still wanted a very humble wedding and so did Somin. Their wedding would be in Korea and at the same church her parents wed at

It was finally done. Your proudest creation. Your best friend's wedding dress. You look over the beading and make sure not even one is misplaced. Anyone who saw it would know that it was meant for Somin. The perfect amount of glitter, flowing down the princess gown she wanted, but still the modern styling throughout the corset

You wouldn't mind if this was your wedding dress, but you decide to admire it instead. Your maid of honor dress was still just as gorgeous. You knew Yoongi would love it

It matched his light blue handkerchief in the pocket of his tux. It was the perfect shape for you and was adorned with lace and flowers all over it

(A/N: This is what I imagine it to be, but of course it is up to you! All body types and shapes are different as we were made so don't change your preference for this pic! 💕)

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(A/N: This is what I imagine it to be, but of course it is up to you! All body types and shapes are different as we were made so don't change your preference for this pic! 💕)

The back showed skin and you initially didn't want it, but Somin wanted you to wear so you bought it

You were excited to see Yoongi's reaction and hoping he would be impressed by the choice but only time kept you from that

You sat in your office chair as Somin changed into the dress with the help of your workers. She entered and you grinned, proudly

"Look at my baby!" You cooed looking at her all dolled up. She grinned back, clearly happy with her choice of design "I love it, Y/N! Thanks so much! I love you~" She says squeezing you in a tight hug

"Don't mention it! I'm sure Hobi will love it as well" You smirked at her but she smirks back "And I'm sure Yoongi oppa will love your dress too" She winks and your eyes widen

You hadn't even told her about what happened for the past month since she was hectic with the wedding, but clearly Hoseok had told her "I don't know what you're talking about" You say, smoothing out the edges on the skirt

She grabs your ear, pulling you up "Yah! How are you gonna lie to me that easily?" You wince in pain, swatting at her "Let go! Let go!" She finally does and you pout rubbing your ear

"Spill" She says and you tell her what happened in the padt month or two

"So you and Yoongi are together again? I knew you couldn't last until the wedding. I guess that's $20 Hobi owes me now" She laughs as your worker unzips her dress leading her to the changing room attached to your office

"You bet on our relationship?!" She yells out a yup behind the closed doors.  You scoff in disbelief, but you weren't really surprised. Somin had been the one to push you two together in the first place

"I-....To be honest, I don't know what we are.  W-we had a moment in his room a while ago that kinda escalated. He's been calling me baby for a while but he always does. We haven't talked in a while either. He's been too busy with producing a song for another idol" (A/N: Yall really have to listen to 'We don't talk together' By Heize, if you haven't. Lil meow meow produced it and it's so good!)

She opens the door slightly giving the large dress through the slit to the workers, who carry it away to package. You hear her rustle before speaking again "Girl, don't worry too much! I get it. You two did have a bad break up, but I know he loves you a lot. I have a feeling he thinks it's a relationship as well" She says walking out in her previous outfit

"I hope so" You sighed

Yoongi's POV

"Hyung! Wanna go out to eat with us?" I hear Taehyung ask and I shake my head

"Nope! Gotta finish this up so I can go see my baby again. Bring me back some food though" I say, smiling as I think about my babygirl

"Hyung?" I hum in response as I hear him about to ask a question

"Are you and noona officially dating again? When are you gonna tell the fans?" He asks and I stop

Hm I guess we haven't made it official, but I guess we are together

But what am I gonna tell the public? Are they gonn ridicule me or even hurt Y/N?

Aren't they sick of me constantly changing my mind?

Saying this was love and this is love

"I-I don't know. We haven't talked about that. I would define it as that. I think she feels that way too. We told each other we love each other" I say, looking at Taehyung who now stands aside Jimin and Hoseok as well

Eventually all the boys file in, wondering where each other were "We don't need a label anyway. As long as I love her and she loves me"

Namjoon looks at me, concerned "Hyung. We all are happy for you, but you have to be mindful of all these scandals. Your second scandal was already bad for the company, but a third? And when Y/N is the person you're dating? I love her but people will get confused" He says honestly, Jin nods as well

I don't know what to reply

Maybe this wasn't gonna be as easy as I thought

To Be Continued

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- TM 💕

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