Chapter 19

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Don't let anyone know who'll get off first

"I can't believe her! How could she make up such a lie?" You say as you plop onto your couch. Today had been very eventful and all you wanted to do was sleep

"I really don't know. Minnie and I only kissed once and you saw us do it. We've never done anything else" He says as he bring the bags into the house

"Well we'll have to talk with her and get this over with before you leave. I dont want any unresolved feuds between anyone once the baby is born" You say rubbing your stomach

Yoongi walks up to you, now with a glass of water which you take happily after the exhaustion of the day

He kisses your head before returning to putting the items into the baby's room. You follow behind after finishing your water

"But how will we contact her?"

Yoongi turns after hanging up all the clothes. "I deleted her number but I'll have to call BigHit first and make sure this won't be taken too far"

You help him out by placing all the items away before making dinner as he makes several calls for the rest of the afternoon

You decide to make his favourite meal and set the table before you hear yelling in the bedroom. You walk up to the door and hear Yoongi shout

"What do you mean she's actually pregnant? I've never done anything with her!.....Well who's the father then?" He discusses with who you assume is his manager

"Okay call her company and get her number or else we'll have to start a legal battle. Don't let anyone know who'll get off first or start anything legally. I want this to remain private between both parties" He sighs and cuts the call.

You open the door and "Baby this is so tiring" He whines, as you walk up to him. "I know, but it will all be over soon and we'll have a beautiful family once this is all over. Come on, I finished dinner"

You both happily ate your meal which he appreciated after the long day. Several days went by and it seemed like the days were longer and longer

Finally, Yoongi had managed to set up a meeting with Minnie's company and that's where you were going today

You stood with Yoongi, the members and several legal representatives in a room as Minnie came in with others

She glared at you and you did the same as you all sat

"So Ms. Kim, where is the proof you have of Min Yoongi being the father of your child?" A representative asks and Minnie hands over a paper

"This is enough proof. I recieved it from my doctor's office a week ago" She replies smugly. You looked at the paper and it did look real but you weren't going to believe her

"Where did you get a DNA sample to test this?" Another representative asked. "Yoongi left a hat behind when he came over to my home a month ago. I used the hair in it for the test"

Yoongi grips the table but you grab his hand, caressing it. Minnie glares at the affection you show

"May we see this hat?" Namjoon asks and Minnie gulps "I-I threw it out. I was so angry at Yoongi for breaking up with me that I decided to throw away everything that was his because it reminded me of him."

"When did you throw it out, Ms. Kim?" She looked down "Um yesterday"

"Well Ms. Kim, we knew you would say something like this and decided to do some checking ourselves. We found nothing. Your timeline also doesnt make sense as you say you did the test last week but threw it out yesterday although you said it made you angry since it reminded you of him" A representative says and she stares shocked

"No but- I didn't mean-" She stutters and her legal team intercepts "Minnie, can you tell your side truly so we can deal with this? We don't want a lawsuit"

"Okay fine! It was a lie! I am pregnant but with the child of some guy I hooked up with. I just was so angry after spending a few years of my life in a relationship only to be thrown away like trash"

You see her tear up as she keeps talking. "I always wanted to be something to you. When your mom offered the relationship, I was really happy but you could never forget Y/N. All say and night you'd talk about her with your members and talk rarely with me" She explained and Yoongi sighs

"I'm sorry you felt that way and I'm sorry on behalf of my mother for getting you into this situation, but I've always loved Y/N" He says and she looks up, upset

"Minnie, I'm sorry you went through all this. I felt this same heartbreak when you two were in a relationship, but please know your worth! You're an absolutely gorgeous and talented girl. Don't spend your life wasting on one guy" You tell her and she nods

"Yeah you're right. I apologize for releasing misleading information. I'll leave the two of you alone and release a statement" She gets up and everyone follows suit

"Minnie, I hope we can be friends." You smile and she does the same and nods. The legal teams discuss the rest as you all begin to leave

Jin rushes to you, putting an arm around your shoulders and Taehyung comes and does the same. Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok talk with Yoongi as Namjoon discusses something with their manager

"So Y/N, have you bought everything for the baby?" Jin asks as you all exit the building

"Yup! Only a few more small things but that should be it" You smile

"Waittttt you gotta have a baby shower!" Taehyung says and you sigh. "I havent had any time to plan one. I don't know if i should" You say and Jin furrows his brows

"Nonsense! No niece or nephew of mine will have no baby shower. It'll be a good memory for us too!" He says and you nod

"Okay fine! You guys plan one with Somin and tell me the details but give the bill to Mr. Min over there" You chuckle and Yoongi looks over at the sound of his name

"Oh nothing!" You three laugh as the others stare confused

This was a good end to a crazy week

To be Continued

Thanks for reading!

- TM 💕

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