Chapter 2

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Before I knew it, we were tired of each other

Yoongi's POV


Hoseok had been bugging me about the whole best man thing for a while

He had planned out the proposal weeks before even asking me then

But I had been saying no for weeks

The reason was....her

No..not the girl who my company set me up with

Y/F/N...the love of my life

...or so I thought

Although many people side with me...I know she's the only one that feels the opposite

When I came back home, I overheard her on the phone


"No I'm so tired of this! He's always gone. He even forgot my birthday yesterday"

I heard her cry and my heart broke

I wanted to hug and kiss her, telling her that Jimin had gotten hurt during dance practice and none of the boys could leave him

But I knew she wouldn't believe me and it wouldn't excuse the other times I've cancelled dates

I closed my eyes before walking out the door, closing it softly

I was the last thing she wanted to see

Before I knew it, the both of us were tired of each other

All the missed holidays and birthdays

All the times she needed me and felt lonely

She became tired of me

And I became tired of her expectations

She knew my job was very important since childhood

She knew it before I asked her out

But she still expected me to be home all the time

End of Flashback

"Awh Hyung~! Pleaseeeee" He still begged me, following me to my studio

"Why haven't you asked the others??? I know Taehyung would love to" I tell him

"I know but I've always envisioned you being my best man!" He tells me

I let out a sigh

He's been there for me so much

I'm not gonna let a failed relationship get in the way of my friendship

"Alright alright fine! I'll do it"

I immediately get suffocated my Hoseok's tight hug

" thing though" He says

"Somin is kinda asking......y/ be her maid of honor" He whispers the name and I can't hear



Fuck my life

I was alright with it only cause she would be there and we wouldn't have to see each other

but now...

"Does that mean we have to be partners?!"


He closes his eyes shut hoping I don't yell

Surprisingly, I don't. I just unconsciously smiled

"Hm alright"

"WHAT?! REALLY?" He says holding my shoulder

"Yea why not? It is your day after all. I'll do it for you"

And cause I wanna see her one last time


"Alrighty! I've got your measurements. Let's look at some designs"

You pull out your wedding dress book full of fabrics and lace, designs and styles

"Knowing you, I would suggest the ball gown. I know you've always wanted to have that princess dress" You show her

"Oh my gosh! It's perfect"

"Alright now ruffles or no ruffles-"


"No ruffles just a regular ball gown" Somin tells you

You note it down



'Ugh what is it this time'

(A/n: chats are based on what they have named each other. If it's a number than it probably means they aren't in the others contacts)

Can't wait to see you 😘

Sorry wrong number

Y/N I know this is your number

Yes it is. Who is this?

It's only been a year or two and you've already forgotten me?

"Oh my lord" You say out

"What? What is it?" Somin asks looking over to your phone

"It's Yoongi"

Sorry for taking so long!

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