Chapter 16

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It's about time we put an end to it

"Will you marry me?" He asks

You freeze. This is what you've wanted for years. Ever since your first date with him it's all you have ever wanted

Will people hate him for this marriage? They'll be furious about this child but a marriage as well??

You hesitate but make your decision

"Yes! I will. I love you, Yoongi" You grab him by the tie pulling him up for a kiss

He puts the ring on and grabs your waist. For what seems like forever, you both stand there basking in the sun and joy

You eventually get home to change into comfier clothing but of course he doesn't let you leave so easily without displaying his love in other ways

After a few hours, you both finally reach the hall on time and enter the building. The Dj plays loud music and you can see many idols sitting and their tables talking

Jin and Taehyung wave at you both from the reserved friends table and you both walk up to them

"Hey you guys. Hope we're not too late" You say smiling at the boys

"Of course not. We came only a little earlier. Hobi hyung is out taking photos with Somin noona" Jungkook tells you

"Oh okay. I'll go check on her" You say and give Yoongi a kiss on the cheek before walking away

You find the two newlyweds at the balcony taking pictures together and you wave. Somin smiles brightly as she sees you and tells the camera man to take a break

Hoseok sighs in exhaustion and gives you a squeeze on the shoulder before leaving to see the boys

You give Somin a hug and she hugs back. She pulls away and frowns "I heard you and Yoongi talked. What happened?"

"I don't want to talk to much about me! It's your night, Min. How is the dress fitting?" You push the conversation away before adjusting her skirt

"Ayy come on! Tell me what happened. I can tell you're upset" You sigh and get up from the skirt

"He's going to his army service" You mumble, still upset

"WHAT?! Now?! He has 2 more years!" She says, dismissing all the people who stared at her due to her yelling

"Yeah. He wants to take a break from the boys. He think it will be good since they keep fighting" She sighs and pulls you into her makeup room

She sits you down in a chair and sits as well. "Does he know about the baby?" She taps your stomach

"Yeah he does. He was really happy and he kinda-" You are stopped by a scream

"OMG HE PROPOSED!"Somin grabs your arm staring at the ring

"Yeah he did" You smile and she hugs your side. "This is amazing, Y/N. You're getting married and have a baby on the way"

You sigh "Yeah and I'm really thankful but he hasn't said anything about leaving the baby. I dont know what I'm gonna do. Think about the fans! They'll be so mad" Somin pouts at you being upset

"The boys and I are always here for you. Although some are leaving for their service as well, I'm always here for you" You smile at that

"I know. Ive realized how far this has gone. It's about time we put an end to it. Thanks, Min" You hug her before getting up and pulling her up with you

"Enough with the sadness. It's your reception and we need to go downstairs. There cant be a party with no bride" You fix the wrinkles in the dress and go down the stairs with her

You see Yoongi and the boys in the main hall and he climbs up halfway to help you and Somin

"Yoongi, I'm pregnant not disabled. Help Somin" You tell him but he wraps his arms around you both tighter

"I'll help my sister in law and my fiance. I have two arms for a reason, my love" You chuckle and kiss his cheek as you reach the bottom

Somin goes to Hoseok and they walk off to greet guests. The nights goes by quick and eventually it's time to say your maid of honor speech

You and Yoongi stand together at the podium and hold the mics. "Somin, ever since we became friends, I always knew you would be the other half to me. You're my best friend and I'm so happy for you. As soon as you saw Hoseok, I knew it would be the start of something amazing. You came to my house really giddy and practically jumped around saying how much you loved him" Everyone starts laughing and Somin blushes while Hoseok kisses her head

"You guys are so similar it's crazy. I never knew two people could be so perfect for each other" You say and Yoongi pouts as the audience laughs again

"You guys found each other so quickly and it proves that your love for each other is eternal. I'm so happy you got your fairytale ending, princess" You end off and give her a flying kiss

She sends one back and everyone claps. "Hobi, we've been best friends since we first met. Whether we connected over producing music or rapping, it was always so much fun with you. You were always that ray of sunshine our group needed to thrive and that sunshine grew more once you met Somin. You were just like her, jumping around and yelling out how much you love her" Hoseok is now the one to blush, hiding his head in Somin's neck and the audiences laughs

"We may have our differences but know that I will always be here for you and Somin. I love you guys" He ends off smiling and everyone applauds once again

The night proceeds and the dance floor opens. The newlyweds begin to dance and you and Yoongi join with the other couples and the sides of the dance floor

You put your arms around Yoongi's neck and rest your head on his shoulder. He kisses your head and rests his atop yours

'Do you have to go? It's times like this where I know I'll miss you' You think and Yoongi begins to speak

"I know I'll miss 2 years of our child's life but this is for the best, my love"

"The boys and I talked and we're planning on going together" You look up surprised

To Be Continued

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- TM 💕

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