Chapter 8

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Because there's never been parallels in the first place

Yoongi sat in his chair and for what seems like the first time in years, he cries

He cries because of everything. He's held it in for so long, making it seem like he was a strong, tough guy but he wasn't. As he thought more and more about the bullshit he put you through, he cried harder

Although he knew crying wouldn't do anything, he couldn't stop. His sobs weren't loud so he didn't have to worry about his friends hearing, but they were

Jungkook's heart pained as he heard his friend cry. He tried to walk off pretending nothing happened but Namjoon grabbed him asking what happened. Jungkook could only point at the studio door before sobbing himself

Jungkook sniffles, nose red as Namjoon pats his head. Namjoon knew as leader he had to do something to bring everyone back together. But in reality he really just wanted to do it because he was mad anyone could bring Yoongi to such a level of pain

He asks again, about what happened until he checks the chat himself. He sighs, walking to the living room


Jin wipes his hands on his apron, taking it off, knowing what was about to go down. Yoongi wipes his tears, but stays in his studio chair not moving. Hoseok walks out of his room, also knowing what would happen. Finally, Jimin and Taehyung step out of their rooms, not wanting to, but walking to the living room anyways

They all sit. Jungkook wiping his nose, glaring at Tae and Jimin and vice versa. Namjoon steps to the side

"What did you two think when you were saying that?" Namjoon looks at the two boys, emotionless

"We were saying the truth! Yoongi had been through so much because of her and for what? Her to just come crawling back like some sad little gold digger-"

Taehyung's words are stopped as a slap rings through the room. Taehyung looks at Namjoon, tears falling out of his eyes. "What was that for?!"

Namjoon stares back dissapointed. "Taehyung do you have any idea what that girl has done for us?! How much she has sacrificed?! What did she do for you while you acted for countless hours during your acting shoots?? She stayed that whole time! Giving you water, feeding you and fanning you. All of us made mistakes that one day. But we hoped to become friends with her again"

Namjoon shakes his head "We were very wrong as well. We didn't listen to her and yet we called ourselves her 'friends'. Yes Taehyung, the both of them hurt each other, but now they were okay and as friends we are here to support them NOT RUIN THEM"

Taehyung nods agreeing as him and Jimin look down. "We're sorry, hyung. We didn't know our words would hurt them that bad" Jimin tells Namjoon

"Don't tell me. Go apologize and fix things between them. If you don't, you two will regret it. You'll look in the future and realize the problem you have caused. Now, Jungkook. Stop glaring at them. All three of you, hug"

"WHAT WHY?!" Jungkook yells. Namjoon looks at him and Jungkook nods. The three stand up, hugging each other and everyone goes back to their rooms

Yoongi heard the whole thing, but didn't care. Them realizing what they said, wouldn't change Y/N and her opinion of him now


You sat in your office as your client leaves with her prom dress sketches. You can't help but feel upset. Not because of what Yoongi said but the fact that boys might resent each other now

The only thing you were confused about was what Yoongi meant. What did he mean by he was the one who "became heavier" than you. Although the both of you had went through different situations because there's never been parallels in the first place, you still felt that you two had been in somewhat of the same position

Two lovers broken apart due to misunderstandings and now try to forget the past, but can't help remembering the love they had- no have for each other

The more you thought, the more you remembered how much you still loved this man 'Even if second chances may not work, how about a third?' You thought before being interrupted by a text

Vmin plus Y/N 😊😂🌹

Y/N-ah? We just want to start off by saying we're so sooo sorry. Yoongi hyung finally decided to get you back and we ruined it. We didn't mean to be taken so seriously. We were just confused

I...didn't understand why Yoongi hyung had gotten with you so quick. We had only heard his side of things, making you seem terrible...

But I want to be honest... I haven't told anyone this. I...







I love Yoongi hyung

To Be Continued

Ou damn plot twist?¿

Did you guys think this would happen?? I sure didn't 😉

No but seriously I kinda just now decided to add this in so um yea

Alrighty Thanks for Reading

Sorry it was super rushed!

Kay byeeee

- TM 💕

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