Chapter 7

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The moment I became heavier than you

You sat down on the nearest seat as the bus drove on. You felt as if a weight had been carried off your shoulders. You felt relieved that this endless pain had been given a solution

Although Yoongi's reasoning was understandable, you didn't understand why he still chose to not even give you one text. But it didn't matter now. You had gotten your answer and although you weren't happy about it, it gave you peace.

You had made some bad decisions as well. Even if you didn't know he was there, you should have understood his work more. No matter now, you both were broken up and you would stay that way

You plugged in your ear buds listening to the radio and his song came on. Their newest one. Fake love and for some reason you felt like it was something you could relate to. You smiled listening to their voices

You loved the boys so much before the breakup and now it was like you had never known each other. You noticed your smile fall listening to Jin

He was your best friend through it all and when you last contacted him, he rudely told you "never see me again" and "I can't believe you hurt him like that". Now you knew why he was like that. Yoongi had felt the same until you explained. Of course he would make the boys think that

You hear a message beep sound while you listened to the song fade out. You opened your message app and look in surprise. It was the old chat. The one you had left after the boys had said some stuff to you

♡ ~Bangtan + Y/N~ ♡

Y/N, Yoongi has been depressed ever since you started all this bs. So on behalf of the boys, please fuck off

What do you mean?

Stop acting. We all know what you did

Y/N, you know Yoongi hyung has always been so closed up. I thought you were the one for him...

I knew Minnie was a better choice

I don't understand what's going on. I thought you guys would be here for me

Hah. You thought they'd choose you?

Jin oppa. Please don't tell me you think the same. You said you were my best friend. All of you did. You haven't even listened to my side

Jin Oppa:
Frankly I don't care anymore. Yoongi loved you so much and yet you stayed selfish. You needed him all the time. I don't know how he put up with you

Y/N I...I don't know what's happening tbh.

Fine. You guys hate me so much then I'll leave.

Y/N has left the chat



Yoongi has added 'Y/N 😘' to the chat

Hey Baby!!! I added you back

You reread all the messages feeling anger rise, but breath in and out to cool down

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