Chapter 13

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We're both tired of it and we both know we are

You drive to Yoongi's dorm, planning to tell him about what happened at work

You weren't scared of the girl. She probably had a strong passion for her idol, but was it right? No.

Becoming a part of Yoongi's life meant having to deal with problems like this. It was inevitable

But it was tiring

Constantly having to deal with someone who hated the idea of your existence just because you were with another

But it didn't mean you were the only one that felt that way. Yoongi did as well

I'm tired

We're both tired of it and we know we are

But he was worth it. All the pain in the world couldn't seperate you from Min Yoongi again. Could it?

You pull up the the parking spot and walk into the building, entering the elevator. You were the only one and stood waiting for the beeps to stop

The doors open and you walk to the the main door, not bothering to knock. You open the door and stand frozen

There he was. The love of your life

Kissing another woman

'It can't be. He wouldn't do that. After all of this. You getting together.  Telling the public again. Was it all for nothing? Am I not good enough?'

"Y-Yoongi?" You call out and he turns to you with wide eyes, shoving the anonymous woman away

"What the fuck are you doing?" You feel your cheeks get wet as you hold your ground

"I-I. It's not-. I'm not. Y/N-" He tries to say and your heart only plummets more in to your stomach

"W-W-What are you stuttering for?" You ask, angrily, mocking his stuttering

The girl smirks, wrapping her snake like arms around him. "Tell her, Yoongi. Tell her how I'm the one she lost to. Oops oh wait. I'm the one she ALWAYS loses to"

"Min Yoongi, if you don't answer-. I am giving you the option to say the truth so say it" You calm yourself, before taking a better look at the woman

You could recongnize her easily. Kim Minnie

The same girl Yoongi had been forced to date

"Y/N- My mom called and told me- She told me to break up with you and get back with Minnie" He tells you, upset as well

"So you're just gonna listen to her?! What the hell!" You yell out

"You didn't even have the decency to break up with me before you started kissing this bitch?" He looks down as Minnie stares at you, angrily

"SAY SOMETHING" You yell again and he flinches

"My mom means the world to me and if she chooses Minnie, then I'll listen. She'll disown me otherwise" He says as he looks at you

"Are you listening to yourself?! What mother would manipulate her son like that? If she loved you, she would accept us, not disown you"

He looks with hope in his eyes. He's about to talk when you hear the door open again

"Yoongi- WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!" Jin yells and the others file in

"I-" Yoongi says for the 50th time

"I'll tell you. I walked in here to tell Yoongi about a sasaeng that threatened me, but he was too busy kissing his desperate babygirl" You explain and gasps ring out throughout the room

"Min Yoongi. Hyung. You do realize that you're being stupid. Our group almost broke apart. We've dealt with scandal over scandal and yet you still choose to repeat your mistakes?" Namjoon asks and Yoongi stays silent

"Our group have always understood. Always been there. Your selfishness has peaked today, Yoongi hyung. We're tired of it. Y/N's tired of it. The company is as well"
Hoseok says and this was surprisingly one of the first times you had seen him so genuinely pissed off

It was scary

"What Hoseok hyung said was right. I don't want to say this, but hyung I'm going to have to talk to Pd-nim and.....maybe suspended your activities in the group" Namjoon says and the others nod

You can only stand there before glancing at him one last time

"Goodbye, Min Yoongi. I don't want to see you ever again"

You push past the boys as they call out to you. Jin follows you, grabbing your arm

"Y/N-ah. Please wait"

"AND DO WHAT? I'm so tired of everything. I always put up with the bullshit that came my way. I always put him before me. I did it cause he was worth it, but he constantly proves me wrong" You cry out and he hugs you

"I-I'm sorry. You deserve so much better. I know. I'll let you leave, but please don't keep us out of your life too. I missed my bestfriend for that time and i won't let her go now" You smile through your blurry vision

You nod and walk off. "AY WAIT YOU FORGOT SOMETHING" He calls out and you walk back to him

"What is it?"

He kisses your forehead after wiping your tears away. "I mean it. I'm always here for you" He looks at you meaningfully

You touch the spot he kissed, smiling  foolishly. "Yeah I know. Thanks" You kiss your fingers before touching his cheek with them and walking off

And that was the story of you and Min Yoongi

Jk 😂

You knew the wedding was only a short while away. You had to confront your fears and after that you could only hope that this toxic relationship would be over

To Be Continued


Sorry for the long wait! School's being stupid as usual and my grades haven't been the best.😅

I'm aiming for better grades so this might take a while but!

The book is very close to it's end. Only 7 chapters!

Thanks for reading!

- TM 💕


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