Chapter 17

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This boring seesaw game

"Hoseok is telling Somin right now so let them discuss but I wanted you to know. Everyone is qualified to go to the army so the management felt we might as well go on a 2 year hiatus and come back together" He says and you smile

"I understand. Our child would be better missing you before they remember anything. They can get to know you later" You kiss his lips and he kisses back

"Make sure to videotape everything! Even when he first mumbles" You nod, chuckling and Yoongi hugs you

You both sway to the sound of the music before it stops and the lights go off. Everyone walks off stage while you and Somin are dragged into chairs

The lights turn back on and the boys are standing at the other side of the floor in front of you both. You and Somin chuckle together in surprise

"We got our own private concert" She smiles and you smile back

"This is for our girls!" Jin says and the music begins. The boys begin singing and dancing to you and Somin's favourite song, I need u

They finish the performance and everyone begins clapping. Namjoon cues the Dj and the music stops. He begins speaking

"Hello everyone. I hope you all are having an amazing evening. Tonight we would like to make an announcement" Somin turns to you

"At least we'll have each other. Those 2 years will go by faster than we'll imagine" You tell her and she nods

You can tell she is slightly upset but understands the circumstances of the situation. You grabs her hand squeezing it for comfort

"Bangtan will be taking a 2 year hiatus as we will be going to do our army service. Jin and Yoongi were planning for this year so the group decided to finish the 2 years so we can return to group activities afterwards" Namjoon continues

Everyone gasps and the 2 media associates take live videos of the announcement. Yoongi take the mic now and looks at you, smiling before turning to the video crew

"I would also like to take this time to announce my marriage to L/N Y/N and her pregnancy" Everyone gasps again staring at you and Somin glares causing everyone to look back at Yoongi

"I'm sure this is a big surprise to my fans and I would like to apologize to my members, BigHit and to my fans. I will remain in BTS and hope you can all accept my decisions" He ends off and bows. The others follow suit and the Dj commences the music once again

The media associates and their crew rake a few more photos of the couple and Bts before leaving

Yoongi comes up to you and gives you a hug. "Ill talk to my mom tomorrow about this. I'm sure she'll be mad if i discuss this now" You nod, giving him a kiss and party with your friends, pushing away all of your worries

It's around 3 am when you and Yoongi finally reach your house. You quickly change out of the dress due to its uncomfort and Yoongi follows suit. You both take showers and fall into bed, quickly falling asleep

You wake up at 6am to Yoongi's phone ringing constantly. You hiss at the sound and hug Yoongi tighter. He covers your ears and gives you a kiss before answering the call

"Hello?" You feel him shuffle away and climb out of bed and talk to someone. He returns 30 minutes later, failing back to sleep

The phone goes off again and before he can get up, you straddle him and mute the phone. "You're mine today. We don't have long before you leave" You say and he smiles pulling you down for a kiss

"I'm not going anywhere"

You both leave bed only because of your hunger at 12pm. You order in some food due to still being tired to cook a meal for the both of you

You sit on Yoongi's lap as he watches T. V on the couch. You both happily eat your food once it arrives and freshen up afterwards

The day goes on as you both plan on what to buy for the baby and for the appointments that you need to go to.

Usually days are more exciting for you both but now that you were off social media, your life was boring

This boring seesaw game

You're about to tell Yoongi about  a crib until he gets the call you both have been expecting

It was from his mother

To Be Continued

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- TM 💕

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