Chapter 15

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Alright with this repeating seesaw game

You stood with the others as they chatted with each other

The wedding had ended only half an hour ago, but the boys stayed to talk with the bridesmaids

You could tell Jungkook was hitting it off with one and you chuckled at him being so flustered

You walked away to stand at the entryway stairs of the venue to get a breath of fresh air

You could feel someone stand beside you

And you knew it was him

"I'm sorry, Y/N"

"How many times will you repeat that to me? You say you've changed and you're sorry, but words like that seem meaningless when you repeat it over and over again" You reply, not looking at him

You stare at the bright sky seeing 2 birds fly together joyfully

"I know. You have no reason to forgive me or talk to me. Y/N, my mom has been my world since I was born. My dad wasn't there often, but she supported my career the whole way" He vents

"I felt so betrayed when I saw my school friends, dad, ex girlfriend and my brother all tell me I wouldn't make it. She was always there. She would always tell me about Minnie and I knew she liked her as well" He stares at you now

"But I finally realized that my mom isn't my only world. You are as well" You take a look at him with tears

"My love, you have managed to have me wrapped around you little fingers and it made me so happy. As soon as you left, I felt as though you dropped me. I was no longer yours" He grabs your hands now

"In that moment, I realized for sure that my life wouldn't work without you. My world wouldn't rotate without seeing your smile or hearing you laugh" He wipes your tears

"You have every right to be mad, but I want to finish this story with you. With me as yours and you as mine. If a sasaeng threatens us then it will be alright as long as we battle our fights together" He kisses your forehead

Alright with this repeating seesaw game.

'No matter how much you hurt me, I always feel the best with you. I want to feel this way more. I want my child to feel like this with you' You think

"I don't want any secrets between us. I want to be free and open with you. When you saw Minnie and I, she came onto me. I was sitting in the living room and the door suddenly opened and she explained what my mother said and as soon as I finished talking with my mother, she jumped onto me. When I got up to get her off, you came in" He explains

"I swear I would never hurt like I did before on purpose. I was so confused after what my mother said, but I never kissed Minnie on purpose"

"My lips are yours anyways" He chuckles and you crack a smile

Should I tell him??

That he'll be a father. That his career may end since we aren't married. Oh god I don't know

"Y/N, I can tell you need to say something. Please tell me. I'm dying to hear your voice without anger" He pleads

"Yoongi....I" You begin and the boys come out the venue. Jin rushing up to you ans flicking your forehead

"Here you are. I thought you left on foot" He jokes

He glares at Yoongi before staring down at you "Wanna come with me to the reception? I'll drop by your house if you need to freshen up"

Yoongi grabs my arm "She'll be coming with me. No need to worry, hyung" He says with a soft gaze

The boys look at the sight upset. "Well you guys talk, I'm taking Su Ah home to change" Jungkook says leaving with the bridesmaid

"I'll take the rest of the girls home" Hoseok says as he leaves as well

"Hey! Hyung! I'm coming with you!" Jimin says following Hoseok

"Um I'll leave in my car. Bye hyungs" Taehyung says rushing away from the angry aura

"She will not be leaving with you. You've done enough to her" Jin grips his arm harder

"You guys. Please listen to me" Yoongi asks and Jin is about to interject but you stop him

"Listen to him. It involves your careers, not our issues" Yoongi stares at you, happy

"5 minutes" Namjoon says

"I want to take my 2 year break. I have decided to enlist in the army" Yoongi explains

"What?! So soon? You can go in 2 more years as well!" Jin says, forgetting their issues

"I know. I have talked with the company. I will be leaving at the end of the year"

But the baby will only be a month old by then. This is terrible

"Alright hyung. Better to get it done then to wait on it. Jin hyung, when are you enlisting? You haven't told anyone" Namjoon asks

"I was also planning for this year" Jin stares at you but you're too busy controlling your tears

So my best friend and father of my child will be gone for 2 years

"Hmm if 2 members are gone. Hoseok and I will leave next year as well. Followed by Jimin and Tae the next. We won't release anything as a group until 6 years" Namjoon sighs

"It was bound to happen eventually" Yoongi replies

"Alright we'll have a meeting today at the dorm and discuss the future of Bangtan. Jin, let's go. They need some time to talk after this news" Namjoon says

Jin hugs me, kissing my forehead before leaving. Yoongi seems mad but allows it

"Y-You're leaving me alone" You start to cry

He frowns at the sight, hugging you. "I'm sorry, my love but I have to go sooner or later. Let's spend as much time together as we can before I leave"

"You left me alone then and you're doing it again. How will I take carw of our baby without you?!" You sob in his chest, feeling him stiffen

He pulls you away staring down "Y-you're-"

You keep hitting his chest although he seems unfazed "They'll only be a month old then and you're l-leaving me?" You fall to your knees but he catches you

He grabs your hands pulling you up. He places his hand on your stomach. "How long?"

"2 months" You sniffle. He smiles with his gums before lifting you. He twirls you in circles. "YES! IM GONNA BE A DAD!" He yells out, before bringing you to his lips

He kissed you harder than ever before. You kiss him back with the same hunger. It had been so long since you felt his lips on yours

He wraps your legs around his hips, holding you as if you would dissapear

He lets you down. Putting your foreheads together, he pulls something out of suit pocket

Y/N, I've been holding this with me for months now and I think it's time"

He gets down on his knee

'Will you marry me?'

To Be Continued

Sorry for the long hiatus. I'm back now! Hope you all are safe and healthy during this quarantine! 💕

Thanks for reading!

- TM 💕

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