63- I'm not psychic but...

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"Oh my god!" Jess and Aspen scream as they see my ring.

Some lady gives us a nasty look and I apolgoetically smile at her.

"Guys, it's 5am. Let's not be so loud," I calmly say.

"Shit, sorry," my best friends apologize.

They continue to freak out over the ring but this time in whispers.

Asher's hand touches the small of my back. He presses his lips to my cheek and brushes a strand of my hair away from my face.

"You need to go or you'll miss your flight," He tells me.

Our families are standing together while Dylan's parents are saying their goodbyes as well.

Jess and Aspen give me a hug each before letting me talk to Asher.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask.

Asher nods, confirming me. "Call me when you land."

"I will."

I wrap my arms around him and give him a quick kiss.

"I love you," He tells me.

"I love you too."

We let go of each other and I join Dylan at the entrance of the security line. 

"Do I get her car now?" I hear Chandler ask my parents.

Rude. I haven't left yet.

"I'm gonna miss Aspen," Dylan says from beside me.

"You'll get to see her over breaks and long weekends. It'll be okay," I assure him.

"Yeah, Baylor isn't too far from Rice. I feel bad for Jess though. Carter's in New York."

"Across the country," I add, glancing back. I look in front if me and see that there are still a lot of people in front of us. No one us behind us either so I slip out of line.

"What—" Jess gets cut off as I wrap her in a big hug.

"Love you," I tell her.

"Love you too," she replies.

"Chase," Dylan calls.

"You're going to be okay," I tell Jess before stepping back and heading to where Dylan is.

Since the security line goes around a corner, our friends and families aren't visible anymore.

My phone beeps with a text from Asher.

Ash❤– what you did was sweet babe
Me– She's my best friend and it's just a hug
Ash❤– Because you weren't the one who bought her a $100 Sephora giftcard and made a gift basket

"All devices in bins," the TSA agent yells out."Everything out of bags and in bins."

Once we get through securit, I finish texting Asher.

Me–that might've been me ;) I might not be able to bring them together but at least I can do my best to comfort Jess
Ash❤- Damn I should've gotten Carter something too
Me- You could order him something off Amazon and have delivered to him
Ash❤- You're a genius
Me- I know

Dylan and I wait at our gate and then board the plane. The ride is only about 2 hours and we end up sleeping the entire time until we land.

As we're in the cab, I call my parents and let them know that I landed before calling my boyfriend.

"Babe!" He greets me, happily.

I smile. "Someone's in a good mood."

"I got Harper to pee in the toilet without missing."

"Ash, that's huge. I'm proud of both you."

"Thanks, baby. How was the flight?"

"Good. We're on our way to the apartment."

"Is Dylan next to you?"

I glance at Dylan who is staring out the window in awe.

"Uh...no. I left him on the plane. Was I supposed to get off with him?" I ask.

"Can I talk to him real quick?" Asher asks.

I hand my phone to Dylan.

"What's up bro?" Dylan asks.

I try to hear what Asher's saying but it all sounds like mumbling and whispering.

"Oh yeah. No worries, I got you," Dylan says. "Dude, I'm serious. It's all good, honestly...nah."

He gives me my phone back.

"Chase, I'll see you tomorrow," Asher says.

"Cant wait."

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too."

We end the call and I absentmindedly trace the ring on my finger.

The cab pulls into the apartment complex.

Dylan and get out, pay the driver, and take our stuff up to our apartment.

After three trips, we get all our bags to our door.

"Y'all need some help?" A voice asks.

I glance and see a boy about our age behind us.

"No thanks. We got it," I reply.

The boy is silent as we continue to move everything inside.

Just as I'm about to close the door, he asks me the question.

"Are y'all dating?"

I shake my head.

"So...want to get coffee some time? Maybe get to mingle since you're single."

"I have a boyfriend," I tell him and close the door.

Dylan's lying on the couch while talking to Aspen.

As I get to my room, I get a strange feeling that something is going to happen.

I'm not psychic but I can strongly sense that the plane that Asher is supposed to get on tomorrow is going to have issues.


Thanks for reading :)


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