41- Long night

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"My feet hurt so bad," I complain. "These shoes are torture."

Asher adjusts his tie. "You haven't even walked in them yet."

"You try walking in heels, Mr.Bradley."

"I don't look as hot as you when I do it."

"I look like a baby deer learning to walk. How is that hot?"

Asher turns around and pulls me closer. "If you wear the heels all night, I'll get you some pizza."

"Deal," I kiss him.

Asher tucks my hair behind my ear and smiles. "You look so beautiful."

"You say that no matter what I wear," I say.

"That's because you're always beautiful."

"Dada?" Harper calls, opening the bedroom door.

The 2 year old looks so adorable. Jenny wanted to dress him, so Asher let her. Harper's wearing a navy blue button up shirt and khakis.

"He doesn't want to wear the jacket," Jenny tell us, coming inside.

"That's okay," Asher says. "Thanks for getting him ready."

"No problem, honey. I'll see you guys downstairs in a bit."

Asher nods and Jenny leaves, closing the door behind her.

"Ready to go down?" Asher asks me.

"Yeah," I say, hobbling with the heels on.

"Back straight, shoulders up, knees slightly bent, and pretend there's a line in front of you," Asher says.

I do that and start walking. "Asher, I'm doing it!"

"That's my girl!" He cheers me on.

Suddenly the door opens and I slam right into it, falling onto the ground. Asher rushes over and helps me back up.

"Shit!" Jace curses. "I'm so sorry."

"It's all good," I assure him.

"Yeah, lets skip the heels for tonight," Asher suggests, having me sit down on the couch.

I take off the heels and sigh in relief.

Asher goes into the closet and brings out a shoebox. "Sandals."

I put them on and walk in them.

"Good?" Asher asks.

"Perfect," I say.

Just like you.

He kisses me before the four us leave and head downstairs.

"Where's your date?" Asher asks Jace.

"She's talking to my parents," Jace replies. "She's so amazing, Ash."

Asher glances at me with a smile. "How long has it been?"

"Well we hooked up and stuff, but I didn't officially ask her out until the end of March. So it's been a bit more than 2 months," Jace replies.

"COMING THROUGH!" Teagan and Reagan shout, running right between Asher and I.

"There she is," Jace says with a happy sigh. He looks at this girl who has light tan skin and caramel colored hair. She has freckles scattering her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose. She's so pretty.

"Jace!" She calls.

"Lauren!" Jace greets her with a kiss. "This is Asher, my best friend and his girlfriend, Chase."

"It's nice to meet you," Lauren says with a friendly smile. She has a bit of an Australian accent.

Asher and I give her a smile back.

"I'll see you two later," Jace says, excusing himself and taking Lauren with him.

"This is so fancy," I whisper as Asher loops his arm through mine. Harper's holding his dad's freehand. 

Asher looks down at me and smiles. "I know. Are you nervous?"

I stop picking at my nails. "A bit."

"Do you want to leave?"


"If you don't feel comfortable being here, we can leave."

"But, it's your event. Your dad would be hurt."

"I can make an excuse, don't worry."

"Thank you, but it's okay. We can stay here," I say. "Besides, it's only for a few hours."


Why the hell is Asher so hot? It's taking me everything to not kiss him in front of everyone.

He glances back and sees me. He winks before turning around. He runs his hand through his hair and glances at me again with a smirk.

This fucker. He knows he's driving me crazy.

I stride up to him and tug on his hand. He lowers his head for me and I stand on my toes.

"If it weren't so important to be here, I would've fucked you so hard by now," I whisper.

I pull back and plant a kiss on his cheek. His skin is warm against my lips and I smile.

"We could even go in a closet," I suggest, half joking and half serious.

"Why don't we then?" Asher asks, wrapping both of his arms around me.

I slip out of his grasp and smirk while walking away.

Vittoria slams into me and I apologize even though it wasn't really my fault. 

"Watch where you're going," She hisses. "Who even invited you?"

Oh boy, this is going to be a long night.


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