40- Italy Again

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"Chase! Are you packed?" Asher asks, entergin my room.

I lift my head from my pillow. "Yeah. It's just one bag."

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I don't know. I've had this weird feeling that something bad's going to happen tomorrow."

"I'm sure nothing will happen. You're probably just over-thinking."

"Yeah, maybe," I say, but I'm not convinced.


After a long flight, Asher, Alex, Jenny, Teagan, Reagan, Harper, and I finally get to the mansion.

Jace is the first to greet us.

"Asher!" He greets my boyfriend.

Asher lets go of my hand so he can hug Jace.

"You're finally dating!" Jace says with a huge grin.

I blush as Asher looks at me with a smile.

"How you doing, Jace?" Jenny asks.

"Good, ma'am," Jace replies.

Asher walks back to me while Jace greets everyone.

"JACE!" Teagan and Reagan squeal.

"They're a bit obsessed with him," Asher says.

"No were not!" Reagan defends herself.

"You don't even know what obsessed even means," Asher shoots back.

"Yeah I do!"

"Oh really? What is it?"

"Its being crazy about something. You're obsessed with Chase."

I cover up my laugh with a cough.

Asher picks up his little sister and carries her inside while holding her upside down.

"Mom!" Reagan screams.

"Asher! Put her down!" Jenny tells her son.

Jace carries Teagan inside and I carry Harper.

"You're a butt face!" Reagan's telling Asher when we walk inside.

"Kitchen," Jace tells me.

We go to the kitchen and I giggle at the sight in front of us.

Reagan is sitting up on the counter with her arms crossed and a pissed off expression. Asher's standing across her with crossed arms as well.

"Get me down," Reagan demands.

"I was going to, but then you called me a butt-face," Asher reminds her.

I feel something against my shoulder and see that Harper fell asleep. I adjust my hold on him and kiss the top of his head.

"Fine!" Reagan says. "You're a poopy head!"

Asher mocks hurt and pouts. "I'm never going to play with you ever again. You can forget our dance parties."

"Fine!" Reagan says.

"Fine." My boyfriend says.

Seconds pass of silence.

Reagan lets out a loud sob and Jace and I brace ourselves for the tears.

Asher quickly gets her down. "I'm so sorry. I was just messing with you."

Reagan breaks out into a huge smile. "Ha! I tricked you!"

Asher sighs and shakes his head with a smile. "Yeah, you did."

Teagan gets off of Jace's shoulders and joins Reagan in running around the kitchen.

Asher walks over to me and kisses my lips.

"I'll take him," He says.

"It's okay. You've been holding him for majority of the time. I can handle it," I assure him.

"You sure?"


"ASHER!" A high pitched voice screams.

Asher flinches and Harper wakes up.

Harper bursts into tears and I walk around, gently bouncing him to calm him down.

"Shh, it's okay, baby," I assure him, pacing around the kitchen island.

"Ew, it's Vittoria," Teagan says with a gagging noise.

I internally groan.

Harper's cries stop and he looks at me while sniffling. "Dada."

I walk back to Asher who's standing there while Vittoria hugs him.

"Help," He mouths to me.

I start to think of a way to get Vittoria off of him, but I blank out. Luckily, Alex and Jenny come to the rescue.

They say something to her in Italian which makes her let go of Asher and leave while giving me a nasty look.

"Translate?" I ask Jace, handing Harper over to Asher.

"Hey, we were wondering if we could have family time. Just our family, so it would be nice if you could leave," Jace translates.

"Thanks Mom," Asher says to Jenny.

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart," She waves him off.

"Mama! Mama! Guess what Asher did to me!" Reagan says to her mom.

"Snitches get stitches," Asher mumbles.

I smack his arm lightly. "Quit it."

"I gotta head home and get ready for a date," Jace says, glancing at his phone. "I'll see you guys tonight."

He gives me a quick hug and then Asher. He ruffles Harper's hair. "Bye, buddy."

"Bye-Bye," Harper says with a sleepy wave.

Jace says good bye to everyone else before leaving the house.

"What's tonight?" I ask Asher.

"A huge party thing. It's going to be filled with adults that my parents know. They were going to do it on Saturday, but Dad was in Texas for our graduation, so they moved it to tonight."

"Oh. I don't have a dress or anything, though."

"I know. That's why we're going to go on a date where we find a dress that enhances your beauty."

He's so cheesy. I love it.

Thanks for reading :)


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