49- So much skin

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"There was so much skin," Asher says, trembling. "I never thought I would complain about that."

I smooth his hair away from his face and kiss his forehead. "You're okay, baby."

"It was everywhere," Asher whispers, horrified.

Jace is on the other couch with Chandler. I'm pretty sure my brother is showing him porn, but at this point I don't care. Asher's laying on the couch with his head on my lap and the rest of his body in fetal position.

"Legs wide o-open," Asher stutters.

Lola is dying of laughter.

Basically, when Asher and Jace went to go retrieve the book, they knocked and the door swung open. They both got a full view of Ms.Dubrios and some man fucking. Her legs were wide open and she was completely naked. The poor boys saw everything and now they're traumatized. The worst part is, Lola forgot that Ms.Dubrios usually has a guest over at this time.

"She asked if we wanted to help," Asher wails.

Oh yeah, that too.

When we found Asher and Jace, they were screaming and running down the hall.

I look at Lola. "Help," I mouth.

She shrugs in response.

"Yo, Asher. There's this real hot girl on here," Chandler says, wiggling his phone.

Asher doesn't bat an eye.

Poor baby.

"Babe, sit up," I say to Asher.

He slowly sits up. I kiss him and feel his entire body relax.

Should've done that way sooner. 


"You want to watch a Bollywood movie?" I ask Asher. 

"Yup," he says. 

"Are you sure?"



I select a movie and lean back into Asher's arms. 

"Lola liked you," I tell him. "She would love if you brought Harper next time we visit."

"As long as there's no naked people, I'm game," My boyfriend says. 

I let out a loud snort surprising both of us. He starts laughing as my face burns. 

"God, you're so cute," Asher says, nuzzling up to me. 

We kiss before turning our full attention to Judwaa 2. 

Once the movie is over, we're both exhausted. I close my laptop and stand up to set it down on my desk. Asher and I get ready for bed and snuggle under the covers. 

"Chase," Asher says. "Can I tell you something.

"Of course," I say, turning over so that I'm facing him. 

"Kendra used to inject drugs into herself."

"Is that why you don't like needles?"


Everything starts to piece together. If Kendra is the reason he's scared of needles, is she also the reason why he's so calm all the time? Did she not let him express his emotions?

"Hey, baby," Asher's voice brings me out of my thoughts. "Don't overthink stuff about Kendra. I just wanted to let you know where the fear of needles started."

"Good night, Ash," I say, touching his cheek. 

"Good night, baby," He says, pulling me closer. 


Thanks for reading :)


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