46- You cheated

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"Why didn't you stay longer?" Chandler asks as Asher and I enter my house.

I roll my eyes. "Wow, missed you too."

"My babies are home!" My mom shouts, running over to hug Asher and I. She attacks us in a hug and then pulls back. "Wait, how's your leg?"

I look down at my jean clad leg. "There's a nasty scar."

"Scab," Asher corrects me.

"Same thing."

"They're not the same."

"Shut up, Mr. Smartass."

"Chase Ritu Ryder!" My mom gasps. "Apologize!"

"Sorry, Ash," I apologize to Asher.

"DUDES! HURRY UP!" Jace calls from outside.

"Who's that?" My mom questions.

"One of my best friends," Asher replies. "We actually have to go somewhere, so we just wanted to swing by and drop off Chase's bags."

"I'll go put my stuff away and change," I tell Asher.

"I'll give your mom the rundown," Asher says to me.

I kiss his cheek before heading to my room.

Jace is actually going to go to Baylor for college, he's going to be staying for the rest of the summer with Asher's family. We have a group hang out thing tonight so he can get to reconnect with everyone. Dylan and Carter know Jace because they were all friends before he left, but the girls don't know him.

I quickly change into Nike leggings and t-shirt and grab my phone before heading back downstairs.

Asher looks up when he hears me and smiles.

"I guessing she's here," My mom says with a laugh.

Asher gives her a sheepish smile. "Sorry."

We say our goodbyes and leave my house. The sun is just starting to set.

"Hey, baby? Can I ask you a question?" Asher asks.

"Of course," I say.

"How come your parents are so chill?"

"Well, Daniel's just naturally like that. Mom had a rough childhood. Her parents weren't just strict, they were control freaks, so she made sure to raise Chandler and I in a better way. She lets us live our lives since she hardly got to," I explain. "How come your parents are so chill?"

Asher shrugs. "Just how they are. Plus, I'm 18 and have a kid so they kind of have to give me some extent of freedom."

"About time," Jace groans as we get in the car.

"I can't wait to get back home," I mock Asher. "We can make out, go on dates, and do whatever we want without interuptions."

"Yeah, I forgot the fucker was going to Baylor," Asher grumbles, shooting his best friend a look.

"How the hell do you forget that?" Jace asks, poking his head between the front seats.

Asher shoves his face back. "Because a lot of important shit went down."

"But your best friend? Man, that's cold," Jace tells him.

"Can we just go?" I ask, sighing.

Asher reverses the car out of my driveway and we're on our way.

"Chase," Jace says.

"What?" I ask.

"Can you play some music?" He questions. "There's a playlist on Asher's phone."

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